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WR Grant Schwartz (official thread)

As Grant and I stood in the middle of the field for the tunnel of pride, after high and low fiving the players as they ran out on the field. I watched him looking at all the fans and soaking it all in. Almost woozy, he looked at me and said "dad, this is the greatest day of my life". Though I'd had many great moments in my career including playing for the National Championship in the Rose Bowl. Sharing that moment with my son topped them all. Now it seems there will be moments to top that. Like ME high fiving HIM as he runs through the tunnel of pride. I'm choking up just thinking about that. Good stuff. Very fortunate am I.

That's a great story. Welcome aboard Grant. Brian -- congrats on the great moment. Sounds like you're extremely proud of your son. You should be.
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Just to make me feel even better about Grant's choice I decided to look up the pre-season Emfinger rankings. You can catch them on the Google cached web page - knowing how fleeting that google wayback system is I saved them to my local drive.

As earlier reported (grad21) Emfinger had Grant as a 5 star player, in fact he rated Grant as one of the top 9 Super Athletes in the country.
Also of note, on that same pre-season list, he had Antonio Henton rated as a 5* Athletic Quarterback, number 10th on his list at that position.

Either Emfinger is heavily pro Buckeye (which I very much doubt is true) or he knows something that Rivals and Scout.com fail to acknowledge, but that we are lucky in having Tressel and co. recognize.

Regardless, any kid who chooses the Scarlet & Grey will always be 5* material by my book.
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Malcom Jenkins was a 3* prospect, rankings mean nothing when it comes to how a player matures in the college game. We have all seen the video of Mr. Schwartz, and there is no doubt in my mind that he will be a great player, hes just a football player, plain and simple.
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Is father said they talked DB with him... corner or safety. However, he also mentioned the slot receiver, much like Gonzo right now. He definitely seems to have the athleticism to play on either side of the ball. Right now, I am just glad to have a kid like Grant associated with our program... his position will be more defined once he gets on campus.
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Just to make me feel even better about Grant's choice I decided to look up the pre-season Emfinger rankings. You can catch them on the Google cached web page - knowing how fleeting that google wayback system is I saved them to my local drive.

As earlier reported (grad21) Emfinger had Grant as a 5 star player, in fact he rated Grant as one of the top 9 Super Athletes in the country.
Also of note, on that same pre-season list, he had Antonio Henton rated as a 5* Athletic Quarterback, number 10th on his list at that position.

Either Emfinger is heavily pro Buckeye (which I very much doubt is true) or he knows something that Rivals and Scout.com fail to acknowledge, but that we are lucky in having Tressel and co. recognize.

Regardless, any kid who chooses the Scarlet & Grey will always be 5* material by my book.

Actually, Emfinger stays in pretty good contact with ScarletAndGrayNews.com.
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<TABLE width=445 bgColor=#ffffff border=1><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top borderColor=#ffffff width=96 bgColor=#c0c0c0>
Steve Helwagen:
</TD><TD borderColor=#ffffff width=333 bgColor=#ffffff>There was some good news this past week as Dana Point, Calif., defensive back Grant Schwartz committed to the Buckeyes. He is the son of former Buckeye Brian Schwartz.

Grant Schwartz became OSU's ninth commitment in a class that could number as high as 17 or 18 players by signing day. His worth could come in any number of areas. Schwartz is a two-way player for his high school squad. He played mostly at quarterback as a junior, but got a chance this season to shine on both sides of the ball.

There are some who believe Schwartz is one of the best kept secrets in southern California. And, from OSU's perspective, they are getting a bright kid who understands and truly appreciates the tradition of the Ohio State football program. He will join a number of legacies on the OSU team, including Shaun Lane, Stan White Jr. and Dionte Johnson.

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