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WR Grant Schwartz (official thread)

I love this "Buckeye Player" becoming "Buckeye Dad" stuff. Springs, Johnson, and now Schwartz. I think too many people put too much thought into this recruiting stuff. I'll take a kid like Grant ANY day that pretty much has lived to be a Buckeye over a "5-Star" stud who plays schools against one-another.

Welcome aboard Grant, and welcome back "laguna."
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I love this "Buckeye Player" becoming "Buckeye Dad" stuff. Springs, Johnson, and now Schwartz. I think too many people put too much thought into this recruiting stuff. I'll take a kid like Grant ANY day that pretty much has lived to be a Buckeye over a "5-Star" stud who plays schools against one-another.

Welcome aboard Grant, and welcome back "laguna."

Hey, don't forget Garcia Lane. And Conroy. And I'm sure a lot of others I've forgotten.

And yes, welcome aboard, Grant. The Buckeye fans will cheer loud and proud for you.
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Wow, this is better than my Eggos! Congrats, Brian and Grant. Can't wait to see you in the scarlet and grey! I'll bet you can't wait to put on that home scarlet jersey that says Schwartz on the back. I know I can't wait to see it.


Boobies below as a congratulations gift!
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The thing I find really interesting about Grant Schwartz is the rating dichotomy. Scout and Rivals have him as a 2, Emfinger as a 5* recruit. Evidently Virginia Tech and Ohio State saw the same high potential as Emfinger. What then was it that Scout and Rivals failed to see? Was it an issue of Grant playing QB in HS but projecting as a DB in College, interjecting uncertainty into their ranking of Grant? I know one poster at BN was glad that Tressel "took a chance" on a 2* prospect, evidently they had not heard of the higher rating accorded by another respected evaluator of HS talent.

This strikes me as a classic case of Tressel and crew looking with their own eyes, making their own evaluation of what Grant brings to the table. It also strikes me as another case wherein the subscription based recruiting sites couldn't whip up controversy or speculation around a young man who was seen as Buckeye Bound. As noted in the BN free article, Virginia Tech wanted Grant badly, only the perception that Grant was a heavy lean to the Buckeyes dimmed their ardor.

Reading between these lines Grant isn't just a good get, he is potentially a great get for the Buckeyes.

Welcome aboard Grant and a big thank-you for following in your dad's footsteps.

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