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WR Garrett Wilson (All B1G, 1st Team All American, 2022 OROY, New York Jets)

Watch how late Wilson waits to get his hands up. Defender had no shot

Top 3 WR in the NFL already, I'll die on the hill.
Too bad he just had his leg fall off in a freak claw machine accident.

Unrelated....do you think it's too late to start nonsense rumors so he falls to me at pick 24 of my fantasy draft tonight?
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Too bad he just had his leg fall off in a freak claw machine accident.

Unrelated....do you think it's too late to start nonsense rumors so he falls to me at pick 24 of my fantasy draft tonight?
I was gonna take him at 16 in my draft and my son-in-law took him at 15. And I used to like my son-in-law.
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