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WR Garrett Wilson (All B1G, 1st Team All American, 2022 OROY, New York Jets)

Imagine drafting Drake London over this guy. He's already what... a top 15 WR in the league TODAY?

In terms of Buckeyes making the leap to the NFL I thought he was the most slam dunk, 100% superstar since the Bosas.
I posted somewhere here after the draft that I thought the Jets taking Garrett and Sauce would be their most impactful draft since 2006 when they got Mangold and Ferguson. As it stands they’re likely both RoY on offense and defense.

Always felt GW was the high floor/high ceiling guy that was can’t-miss.
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I thought the same thing when he was coming out of high school. His catch in the 2019 orange bowl convinced me he was going to be the best WR to ever come out of Ohio State. Reasonable minds can disagree, of course, and his career is still young, but I'm not the least bit surprised at his trajectory.

Same here. Kid was a man amongst boys vs HS DB's
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I posted somewhere here after the draft that I thought the Jets taking Garrett and Sauce would be their most impactful draft since 2006 when they got Mangold and Ferguson. As it stands they’re likely both RoY on offense and defense.

Always felt GW was the high floor/high ceiling guy that was can’t-miss.

The cool thing is that GW and Olave are battling each other for ROY honors every week. They are both playing remarkably well and honestly, with a gun to my head I couldn't tell you who I would pick between the two in the draft. Olave seemed more NFL ready in the first year, but GW seems to have a higher ceiling. I guess we will just have to settle on them both being great WR's in the league.
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