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WR Garrett Wilson (All B1G, 1st Team All American, 2022 OROY, New York Jets)

It's attitudes like that towards money why they're broke in 5 years. Garrett Wilson is a sharp kid, so I'm not worried about him. I just can't stand the old head mindset that just because they got screwed over or had to be a part of pointless hazing, future generations should to. It's not cute

I hear what you’re saying, but what you’re failing to understand about those “old heads”, is that they in turn do look out for the younger generation and have for years. You may see the hazing as pointless, but when Garrett is getting little tidbits of information from an older WR, or advice on the best car dealership in the Tri state, the best tailor, a network for his parents and other family, etc, that $75k is next to nothing. And I can bet that one of those old heads will also have no problem taking him for a $75k dinner when he hits 1000yds or even getting him jewelry or a vehicle.

But Garrett is sharp and I wish him the best, though his team will do him no favors
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If that tab is 75K, it's a drop in the bucket compared to just his signing bonus. Athletes go broke because they spend like that week in and week out, not just once at a traditional rookie dinner. Or they support 20 friends and family. Or they turn their investments over to an uncle they trust.
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"Every play is very important to him," Saleh said this week after the Jets' 24-16 win over the Atlanta Falcons. "He's got freakish body control and ability to create separation with his lower half and how he runs his routes, and he's got violent hands — I mean, he can snag a ball. There's a couple of 'em that were tight-window catches that he had. So love his mindset, love where he's at and even for him, just continue to get better and stronger and he's only going to get better. He's going to be a cool player."
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Garrett Wilson was the NFL’s best rookie in Week 2.

The former Ohio State wide receiver was named the NFL’s Rookie of the Week on Thursday after he caught eight passes for 102 yards and two touchdowns, including the game-winner, in the New York Jets’ 31-30 victory over the Cleveland Browns on Sunday.
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