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WR Duron Carter (Official Thread)

As I'm sure everyone knows by now, he was cut by the Colts. This came as a surprise to many, but I saw a lot of speculation leading up to it from Colts' writers. He seemed to wow people during practice but made mistakes and was ineffective during the preseason.
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As I'm sure everyone knows by now, he was cut by the Colts. This came as a surprise to many, but I saw a lot of speculation leading up to it from Colts' writers. He seemed to wow people during practice but made mistakes and was ineffective during the preseason.
He seemed to be their go-to when the starters were pulled.

Hope the Bengals give him a look. We need size.
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This guy thinks the Browns should claim him off waivers:

Claiming Duron Carter Would Make Sense


The Cleveland Browns cut down their roster to 53 man yesterday but we expect changes today at noon when waiver claims are submitted and players are claimed. Duron Carter is a player the Browns could claim, here is why it would make sense.

Entire article: http://www.scout.com/nfl/browns/story/1583367-claiming-duron-carter-would-make-sense
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This guy thinks the Browns should claim him off waivers:

Claiming Duron Carter Would Make Sense


The Cleveland Browns cut down their roster to 53 man yesterday but we expect changes today at noon when waiver claims are submitted and players are claimed. Duron Carter is a player the Browns could claim, here is why it would make sense.

Entire article: http://www.scout.com/nfl/browns/story/1583367-claiming-duron-carter-would-make-sense
That would probably mean Pryor gets cut.
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Weak, let him shine on an active roster. Indy acts like Andre Johnson is going to revert to his 2007 self... Good luck with that.

Johnson will sell tickets though based on his name alone. Carter isn't good enough to shine on an active roster yet, he's a pure project. Heck so is DGB, I thought he'd be on the Titans practice squad
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Johnson will sell tickets though based on his name alone. Carter isn't good enough to shine on an active roster yet, he's a pure project. Heck so is DGB, I thought he'd be on the Titans practice squad

Duron destroyed the Canadian Football League last year. All I'm saying is, if he was on a team that didn't have 400 WR's he'd be on an active roster.

And DGB made the active roster because huge receivers are the "in" thing right now. NFL scouts drool over the 6'5" receivers.
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Duron destroyed the Canadian Football League last year. All I'm saying is, if he was on a team that didn't have 400 WR's he'd be on an active roster.

And DGB made the active roster because huge receivers are the "in" thing right now. NFL scouts drool over the 6'5" receivers.

Big WRs have always been drooled over along with guys with crazy speed.
If he's good enough, he'll find his way on the field.
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