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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

Civic06;1531219; said:
What a game for Dane. Only two receptions but he looked great all game. Second time for Dane to have the first TD of the season.

He's been doing it all - and I was really impressed by his punt returns.

Dane had pretty good first game. I thought the same thing as I was watched his reception. Another first TD on the first drive of the first game ('07). He recovered nicely after the catch but what kept that play alive was turning it inside on the outside route that he ran. He's going to be have a great season.
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craigblitz;1531462; said:
I am starting to drink your Kool-Aid UTgrad... Kid is just always solid and is an awesome option for Pryor!!

I was drinking water yesterday as we were unpacking two SUV loads of my daughter stuff for freshman checkin at Ohio Northern. Didn't miss the game because the Vizio was the first thing that was up and running. Needless to say, the dorm room was filled with a WOOOT or two.

The recorder was going at home so I could catch the details later.

His expanded role as punt returner was a pleasant surprise. According to the local paper he didn't know about the PR job until the morning. Ray Small was reported as being ill and Dane stepped up.

He also taked about the TD, he said it was a broken play amd his adjustment was like "backyard football, and you just have to find some open space". He must of juked a lot of neighborhood kids out of their shoes when he was playing in his backyard. Punt returns were respectable - two for 17 yards.

This coming weekend I'm home and drinking more Kool Aid (Molson)!
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the Ozone

Catch and Release
It might sound silly considering the Buckeyes put 31 points on the board Saturday, but the offense really suffered from a lack of playmakers in the passing game down the stretch. With Ray Small out because of illness and DeVier Posey sidelined by what Tressel called an ankle injury, the Buckeyes attempted to get the ball into the hands of Taurian Washington ? who is expected to provide some big plays this year ? but he did his best Braylon Edwards impersonation on a ball that hit him right between the numbers. Pryor did a good job of getting the ball to freshman Duron Carter, but he averaged only 7.0 yards on his three catches. This team will need more of a vertical passing game against USC, and that?s not going to come from Dane Sanzenbacher, who by all accounts had an excellent season-opener. Getting Small and Posey back will help, but they also need some help from Washington and they need to find a way to get the ball into the hands of Lamaar Thomas out in space.

maybe it's for effect, but I read this and there just doesn't seem to be much respect for #12. maybe catching the football first is the most important thing. and maybe some could explain to me why getting "vertical" is so important. if the qb throws a laser, there's not much getting vertical about it. i'd like to see them all do as well.
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utgrad73;1532285; said:
the Ozone

maybe it's for effect, but I read this and there just doesn't seem to be much respect for #12. maybe catching the football first is the most important thing. and maybe some could explain to me why getting "vertical" is so important. if the qb throws a laser, there's not much getting vertical about it. i'd like to see them all do as well.

I think they are just saying that Dane is better suited as a slot reciever. Dane is very athletic and has superb hands, but lacks the top end speed to strech the feild like a taller, faster Devier Posey or the speedster, Ray Small. I'm not insulting Dane's abilty at all, and I dont think the article is either. I think they are just saying that Dane as a deep-threat isn't an ideal situation.

Also, I just wanted to say that, as a Central Ohio High School Football player, Dane's definetly a player I look up to. I am also a reciever and similiar in build to Dane. (well were both not exactly tall, I'm not trying to compare myself to an elite D1 athlete) And Dane is a very good player that I try to mold my game after.

But what I'm trying to say is that I look up to Dane. He is a great athlete, person and student, and a player that is a great role model for anyone, especially a Buckeye-loving, football-playing kid like myself. Thank you for the inspiration Dane.

oh and GO BUCKS! :oh:
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SCBuck13;1532296; said:
I think they are just saying that Dane is better suited as a slot reciever. Dane is very athletic and has superb hands, but lacks the top end speed to strech the feild like a taller, faster Devier Posey or the speedster, Ray Small. I'm not insulting Dane's abilty at all, and I dont think the article is either. I think they are just saying that Dane as a deep-threat isn't an ideal situation.

Also, I just wanted to say that, as a Central Ohio High School Football player, Dane's definetly a player I look up to. I am also a reciever and similiar in build to Dane. (well were both not exactly tall, I'm not trying to compare myself to an elite D1 athlete) And Dane is a very good player that I try to mold my game after.

But what I'm trying to say is that I look up to Dane. He is a great athlete, person and student, and a player that is a great role model for anyone, especially a Buckeye-loving, football-playing kid like myself. Thank you for the inspiration Dane.

oh and GO BUCKS! :oh:

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Maybe now that Dane has some nice facial hair going, he'll get a little more respect...LOL :biggrin:

Here's hoping for a great game out of Dane Saturday! I have a feeling he'll see the ball often on those broken plays...he just has a nack for finding the open spot.
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