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WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

ThirdGenBuckeye;1511017; said:
I had a class with him this past spring and he's definitely no more than 170-175 and a lot more like 5'9" than 5'11" (the same with Posey being closer to 6' and more like 185 than 205). But I love his game and I'm ready to see him become a full time target this year regardless of how big or small he is and hopefully he can stay on the field.

Dane checked in at 5'11" 174 lbs and Posey at 6'2" 190 at rivals combines. Not saying they're completely accurate but I doubt they're off by more than a half an inch.
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OregonBuckeye;1511029; said:
Dane checked in at 5'11" 174 lbs and Posey at 6'2" 190 at rivals combines. Not saying they're completely accurate but I doubt they're off by more than a half an inch.

Probably so. All I know is that after seeing them every other day for a whole quarter those are the numbers I'd put them at because I was taller then both and I know I'm not quite 6'2". Maybe they had some big heeled shoes on at Rivals :biggrin:
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ThirdGenBuckeye;1511017; said:
I had a class with him this past spring and he's definitely no more than 170-175 and a lot more like 5'9" than 5'11" (the same with Posey being closer to 6' and more like 185 than 205). But I love his game and I'm ready to see him become a full time target this year regardless of how big or small he is and hopefully he can stay on the field.

Have you measured how tall you are? Maybe you hit a growth spurt. :biggrin:
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No, Posey is a legit 6'2"-6'3"...I was just around him a few weeks ago. I'm 6'0 flat and he had a good two or three inches on me. Pryor is a legit 6'6", Rolle is NOT 5'11", neither is Small.

And I'm sure I just had my checkup last week and my doctor said 6 foot flat! :banger:
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Poe McKnoe;1511406; said:
Have you measured how tall you are? Maybe you hit a growth spurt. :biggrin:

I hope so :tongue2: I was last measured about a month ago and I'm 6'1.25" and I was basing those eye tests in comparison to about 6' so maybe I'm wrong though. And Merih is right about Rolle, he's shorter than 5'11" but the pipes on that dude are massive.
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Buckskin86;1511230; said:

Receiver Dane Sanzenbacher had arthroscopic surgery seven weeks ago on the high ankle sprain that kept him out of spring football. Sanzenbacher said he primarily only called plays during summer 7-on-7 drills rather than catching many passes, but he expects to be ready for practice. . . .

As mentioned above, I learned about the arthroscopic surgery a day after he he had it and my source said he was walking on it comfortably the day after. He also said his son was looking forward to a full/productive season especially the second game.
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utgrad73;1512094; said:
As mentioned above, I learned about the arthroscopic surgery a day after he he had it and my source said he was walking on it comfortably the day after. He also said his son was looking forward to a full/productive season especially the second game.

If you are trying to keep your "source" hidden, you aren't doing so well. :p

I'm excited to see Dane's continued improvement and somewhat expanded role in the offense.
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Bucky Katt;1512097; said:
If you are trying to keep your "source" hidden, you aren't doing so well. :p

I'm excited to see Dane's continued improvement and somewhat expanded role in the offense.

Oops forgot about that one. Oh well, my posts are always Pro Dane and he loves talking about his son's football successes. I try to be careful with "how much" I say. Thanks, we know who's reading this BP thread. Good catch.
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Senior safety Kurt Coleman said how good Posey was at going up and getting balls during 7-on-7 drills, but he also insisted that junior Dane Sanznebacher is the No. 1 receiver. And I'm not sure about Sanzenbacher either, as you'll see later on the list, as you try to imagine him as a go-to guy instead of a complementary piece.
So Posey might be lower than he should be, though you could probably argue him off this list as well. Based on potential, he's a top-10 pick, and based on need, he's probably there, too. If Terrelle Pryor is going to progress as a thrower, he needs targets that can get open, and Posey should be the most dangerous receiver on the field.

I think Posey needs another year to be really dangerous.

As far as getting open it's Sanzenbacher. He will surprise us all - again. That's just my feeling based on watching him develop over the years. The most dangerous receiver on the field may very well be the one that we overlook (along with the defending DB's). I like to combination of Sanzo,Posey, and Carter. They are all dangerous.
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toledoblade.com --

It's Dane's time to lead
Sanzenbacher veteran of OSU's receiving corps

Dane Sanzenbacher, a graduate of Central Catholic, has only 33 catches for 361 yards in his two seasons at Ohio State, but he will be the most experienced receiver that quarterback Terrelle Pryor gets to throw to this season.

COLUMBUS - It seems like just yesterday that Dane Sanzenbacher was a true freshman catching his first college pass, which also was his first touchdown reception, in his first game for Ohio State against Youngstown.

And in truth it wasn't all that long ago. Two years, almost to the day.

What doesn't quite compute is that Sanzenbacher, the Toledo Central Catholic product, is now the old man, so to speak, of the OSU receiving corps.

"Seniors talk all the time about how fast it goes, but when you're a freshman or sophomore you don't believe it," Sanzenbacher said. "Now, I'm living it. It really has gone fast from that point to this point. Now, I'm ready to take the lead."

I suspect Dane won't be the only receiver that Pryor will find this year, and he may be the one flying under the radar but he'll produce.

"A lot of times, the combine-type tests kind of turn into how you are defined as a football player," Sanzenbacher said. "But there's another element you only see on the field, and I'd like to think that's what matters."

It does matter and others have noticed.

"I guess the whole package would come under the heading of not making mistakes," he said. "It's the fastest way to get on the field, and it's probably the only reason I was able to play as a freshman. It's probably why I still get on the field."

Sanzenbacher has made 33 catches for 361 yards during his first two seasons with the Buckeyes. Those aren't staggering numbers for a guy who caught 40 passes for 842 yards and nine touchdowns in seven - we repeat, seven - state high school playoff games.

It would be nice to see numbers like that this year.

"Now, it's time for me to step up and take the reins. It does seem a little bit weird. I know my teammates are watching and listening on and off the field. I've never been real vocal, but more of that is expected now. I guess I've always been a guy who you'd watch what I do more than listen to what I say."

We ARE watching. Go get em Dane.
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Receiver grabs passes, not the spotlight
Sanzenbacher overlooked but tough, reliable
Friday, September 4, 2009
By Ken Gordon


Dane Sanzenbacher

Discussions about Ohio State's receivers seem to start with whether DeVier Posey will develop into a true No. 1 and continue onto the considerable potential of Taurian Washington, Lamaar Thomas and Duron Carter.

Even Ray Small gets talked about, though not always for the right reasons.

Who's missing here? Dane Sanzenbacher, even though he has more letters in his last name (12) than Posey has career catches (11).

"I'm OK with that," Sanzenbacher said of being overlooked. "It's kind of been like that most of my career, and there's not much you can do about it. What people think on the outside isn't as important as what we're doing on the inside here."

On the outside, it's easy to see what Sanzenbacher is not: He's not the biggest, at 5 feet 11 and 175 pounds. He's not the fastest.

But he's tough, determined and dependable. He's got gravel in his guts.

Sanzenbacher appears to be following in the footsteps of other so-called three-star recruits such as A.J. Hawk, Malcolm Jenkins and James Laurinaitis.

Despite a dazzling performance while leading Toledo Central Catholic to the 2005 Division II state title, Sanzenbacher was getting little love from colleges. Until he wowed Ohio State coaches at their 2006 summer camp, he had scholarship offers only from Mid-American Conference schools.

"I think a lot of times, the combine tests and everything like that kind of turns into what players get defined as," Sanzenbacher said. "And I think it's a lot more than that. I think there's a whole other element to it that you only see when you're actually out on the field playing."

BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Receiver grabs passes, not the spotlight
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