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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

stowfan;1822765; said:
Make sure your ready for a laugh before you click on this link:

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Posted: Yesterday 9:11 PM
RE: To further brighten your mood (Braxton Miller)
I don't worry about the players our opposition is recruiting. OSU is going to get great players. They just are. Just like Florida, USC, Texas etc. are going to get great players. Gotta worry about our own recruiting. The way to neutralize a good QB is a great DL. Just look at Tom Brady first half against the Lions. Didn't look that great when he's getting hit. The game of football is, and always will be, won in the trenches.

And you guys are all over that!
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What a great run for Wayne. Braxton has been superb but the team around him has improved so much from week 1, as well as Coach Minton stepping up the gameplanning. Hopefully they can top it off with a title.
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I watched the Wayne/Davidson game after coming home from the OSU/Mich beatdown.

My high of 7 in a row was ended watching my Davidson Wildcats get shredded by Miller. Then I remembered, He's coming to Columbus. Then I felt much better.
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Miller, DePriest D-I players of the year

By Marc F. Pendleton, Staff Writer Updated 9:47 PM Monday, November 29, 2010

Who's more valuable, Braxton Miller or Trey DePriest?

That depends on which team one favors, Wayne or Springfield.

A state media panel has the answer. Both were named the Associated Press Division I All-Ohio high school football players of the year on Monday.

Miller, a 6-foot-3, 200-pound senior quarterback who has led Wayne into this week?s D-I state championship game, is the offensive player of the year.

DePriest, a 6-1, 237-pound senior linebacker, is the defensive player of the year.

Coincidentally, both were pee-wee and middle school standout teammates at Springfield before Miller transferred to Wayne prior to his freshman season.

Miller, rated by several scouting services as the nation's No. 1 senior QB, is headed to Ohio State. DePriest has verbally committed to defending national champion 

Centerville two-way lineman Michael Bennett was a D-I first-team choice as an offensive lineman. He'll join Miller at OSU.

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