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WR Braxton Miller (B1G POY, National Champion)

He looked great tonight. He has a serious arm and really impressed me throwing the ball with velocity in some fairly small windows.

He has excellent torque when throwing the ball on the run away from his throwing arm.

It was a perfect storm tonight for Wayne.
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Outstanding;1792722; said:
He looked great tonight. He has a serious arm and really impressed me throwing the ball with velocity in some fairly small windows.

He has excellent torque when throwing the ball on the run away from his throwing arm.

It was a perfect storm tonight for Wayne.

bingo. kinda funny the announcers kept saying, I can't believe he's passing so much, joking about the coach. They must have done their homework.
Miller is really fast and a great thrower. Those wr's look pretty good
About centervilles Bennett, he didn't dominate the lines though, sometimes he got doubled teamed .
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Miller punishes Centerville again in Wayne win
Ohio State-bound QB has another strong performance rushing and passing in blowout.
By Kyle Nagel, Staff Writer
Friday, October 15, 2010

CENTERVILLE ? Braxton Miller bore a shaved Ohio State Block ?O? logo on the back of his head.

?Did you see my socks?? the Wayne High School senior quarterback said to a group of reporters. They were Ohio State, too.

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I went to the game last night to check out Braxton and Bennett in person for the first time. Braxton was really impressive, especially with his throws to the sideline that were tucked between the safety and corner in the cover 2 Centerville kept running. The throw against his body on the dig route was easily the best of the night though. And when he takes off, man that first step is unbelievable. I was one who was kind of worried about him since his stats throughout his career have been very mediocre for a 5-star player. Consider those fears alleviated, he's going to be good.
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BuckeyeNation27;1792728; said:
:lol: are you serious?

Yes I was, and this is why.

matttank;1792846; said:
I went to the game last night to check out Braxton and Bennett in person for the first time. Braxton was really impressive, especially with his throws to the sideline that were tucked between the safety and corner in the cover 2 Centerville kept running. The throw against his body on the dig route was easily the best of the night though. And when he takes off, man that first step is unbelievable. I was one who was kind of worried about him since his stats throughout his career have been very mediocre for a 5-star player. Consider those fears alleviated, he's going to be good.

I hadn't really seen him play so I was asking others that HAD to post about it. Im sure the coaches know what theyre doing and who theyre offering, I just didnt know if the lack of numbers were for a specific reason (like his ankle injury, or lack of surrounding talent).
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I think Brax played well last night, and people got to see that he can indeed pass. In his game against Moeller people got to see the kid can run too. I think Miller can be as good maybe better than TP. Thats saying alot because Pryor will leave OSU with many records, and will (IMO) be able say he was the best QB to ever came through these parts.

Miller's only flew in his game IMO is his footwork. He is nowhere near the project TP was coming outta high school. TP's throwing motion had to be broken down and rebuilt. Miller has got a cannon but it will only get better when he starts using proper footwork.

All in all, Miller is a stud.
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I see Miller as being more of a passer and less of a runner right out of the gate than Pryor was, and for the reasons mentioned. Hopefully, he'll have a redshirt or true freshman year to work on footwork, learning the system and reading defenses. Plus, one of Pryor's great assets is his size -- he weighs as much or more than Beanie Wells did. That's just huge. Miller is quick and agile, but I don't think we're going to want to see him taking a ton of hits, so I expect that we'll have far fewer designed QB runs. Plus, the RB stable will be absolutely stacked for him, so ideally we won't need the QB to trigger the ground game.

The future looks bright. :pimp:
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He was very impressive last night. As stated earlier, that throw across his body when rolling left was a real eye-opener, hitting his man right on the numbers 20 yards downfield.

The throws to the sideline showed good arm strength - I particularly liked the pump fake on an one out-and-up.

And he showed good speed and elusiveness when he ran the ball. The future is indeed bright.

I know this thread has pictures of the Block 'O' tattoo on his left shoulder. But no shots of the back of his head last night, with the block 'O' haircut?

Here's a postgame interview.

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Brand X fits Wayne QB Braxton Miller

By Marc Pendleton | Thursday, October 21, 2010

This isn?t exactly breaking news, but it?s official: Wayne QB Braxton Miller is the X factor.

We know this because that?s what Warriors coach Jay Minton labeled his prized senior.

It?s also because of the masterful display he put on Centerville last week in a 34-10 victory that was televised live nationally in ESPNU.

He shredded the Elks on 18 of 24 passes for 225 yards and two TDs. And he was sharp as rarely before, completing the tough medium-range out pattern with 30-yard laser velocity. That?s the kind of throw that earns playing time on Saturdays, perhaps even next season at Ohio State University.

Of course, just two weeks prior in a crushing 28-21 loss to Springfield he was 9 for 30 for 156 yards, three INTs and no TDs.

It?s that hard to tell what Miller will deliver each game. When he?s on, like he was at Centerville, Wayne seems unbeatable. If he?s not, the Warriors are vulnerable.

?(Miller) is definitely the X factor,? Minton said.

?He?s really a guy who our guys have finally adjusted to. ? It?s so easy to ride a big stallion like that. It shows that at this level, you just can?t ride somebody. Look what?s happening to Michigan and their guy (Denard Robinson). You knew it was a matter of time that he was going to get broke down. It?s so easy to stop.?

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