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Mark Wahlberg

Yes and no. He's chosen to just play himself in a bunch of lowest common denominator action movies. Yet there is still Boogie Nights where he more than held his own against some of the very best actors of his generation (Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Don Cheadle, John C Reilly) and a guy who was once the biggest movie star in the world (Burt).

Personally, I'm surprised Ben Affleck isn't getting some attention here. He really is a perpetually shitty actor.
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Yes and no. He's chosen to just play himself in a bunch of lowest common denominator action movies. Yet there is still Boogie Nights where he more than held his own against some of the very best actors of his generation (Julianne Moore, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Don Cheadle, John C Reilly) and a guy who was once the biggest movie star in the world (Burt).

Personally, I'm surprised Ben Affleck isn't getting some attention here. He really is a perpetually shitty actor.
Plus if nothing else, Wahlberg is fucking hilarious with great comedic timing and rarely takes himself too seriously. He also stood out among other bigger names in The Departed.
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I’ll just throw out a movie that I love but that I expect everyone else hates, because it stars 2 actors who might earn a place in this discussion: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Ben Stiller
Sean Penn
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Ironically, in order to be recognized as a "bad actor", the guy/gal has to be on the A-list to begin with, and has to have enough starring roles to his/her credit that we can say that he/she sucked in this, that, and the other thing.

For a really bad actress, I offer Elizabeth Berkley, whose performance in Showgirls was so awful that it essentially ended her movie career.

For actors from the classic era, I nominate Gregory Peck, who always seemed to make every movie he was in worse, and would invariably leave me thinking: Why couldn't that role gone to Clark Gable/Cary Grant/James Stewart/Humphrey Bogart/Gary Cooper....
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Speaking of which, is there a worse big-studio director than John Woo? So many slo-mo pigeons and doves!

And right before going into the Face-Off machine, he had paired Travolta with Christian Slater. And it was JCVD in Hard Target before that...

They are symbols of peace!

(Ang gun-fu)
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I want to interject an opposite... an individual with amazing actor skill...

I had the opportunity to attend Universal Studios FL 3-day pre and grand opening in 1990. with the who's who of Universal's actors and directors.

Hours interacting and lunch with Thomas F. Wilson who played Biff in Back To The Future
It was amazing how polar opposite he was versus the character he portrayed.
The most humble, soft spoken, polite and considerate person one could imagine.
There is not one iota of Biff in his real person.

Some were really fun people like Michael J Fox. Ernest Borgnine was a hoot.. a mischievous giggling teenage boy whose very tall statuesque beauty of a wife dictated his every move. It was obvious who the Commanding Officer was. He'd be horsing around and she'd give him the look and he'd sit down.

Most seemed to reflect what you'd expect from the characters they portray.
Major Craig T Nelson was oblivious to everything and everyone around. Spent 100% focus on making sure his 9 or 10 yr old son was having a great time. Highly admired that.

To my surprise Cosby was a complete dick.. always wondered if his legal issues had started thus a miserable person but no one wanted anything to do with him
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Ironically, in order to be recognized as a "bad actor", the guy/gal has to be on the A-list to begin with, and has to have enough starring roles to his/her credit that we can say that he/she sucked in this, that, and the other thing.

For a really bad actress, I offer Elizabeth Berkley, whose performance in Showgirls was so awful that it essentially ended her movie career.

For actors from the classic era, I nominate Gregory Peck, who always seemed to make every movie he was in worse, and would invariably leave me thinking: Why couldn't that role gone to Clark Gable/Cary Grant/James Stewart/Humphrey Bogart/Gary Cooper....

to this day Showgirls is THE worst movie I ever paid to see...three times.
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Always thought that the best casting was for the star actor to be 'playing himself'. Acting naturally to achieve the role is the best kind of acting? Recollect that Frank Sinatra became a movie star by playing a role seemingly written for him. Clark Gable also seemed to act effortlessly, as did Clint Eastwood. sometimes wondered if the writer might have written his/her script with a specific actor in mind in which to play the protagonist. PS, William Shatner made the most of less than anyone else. Remember him playing a detective in a TV series set in San Francisco, where he had uplifted eyebrows, am guessing to make him seem oriental. I'll put up Angelina Jolie as worst actor(ess).
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It's been a bit since I've watched any movies or even something non-sports on TV, but can someone tell me how or why John Travolta keeps getting gigs? It has to be the scientology, right?
I often think he and Nick Cage are the exact same actor. When they can reign themselves in, they can be outstanding (Leaving Las Vegas, Matchstick Men for Cage/Pulp Fiction, Get Shorty and one or two others for Travolta), but they're usually just trying to chew scenery and are awful.
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