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How can you not like Remeber the Titans?

I actually like Denzel Washington.

I don't know. Maybe I was just pissed when I watched it or maybe I'm a little to cynical to believe all the Disney spin.
Most people do like Denzel. I didn't have much of an opinion on him until I watched Training Day. For me, that was one of the most annoying performances I have ever seen.
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Basebuck: "Another one that I have never understood the lovefest with is Harrison Ford. Other than Indiana Jones, what has he done?"

I think he did some kind of sci-fi flick in the late 70's that had two sequels in the early 80's. It did pretty well from what I hear.

Anyone ever heard of it?
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Denzel Washington for me. Never liked a movie he is in.

I guess you never saw Glory or Crimson Tide?

Another one that I have never understood the lovefest with is Harrison Ford. Other than Indiana Jones, what has he done?

Go rent Patriot Games and I'm sure you will change your mind. Again, he's not one to chew the scenery. But there's hardly anyone around who can do rage and determination better than Ford.
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I saw both and neither really did much for me. Maybe I should rewatch them whilel trying to keep the "angry cop guy" from Training Day out of my head.

:lol: Good luck.

As far as the Harrison Ford - Star Wars connection, I must admit that somehow I did forget that.

Right, now compare his performance as the rogue-ish Han Solo to his performance as the intense CIA agent Jack Ryan in Patriot Games. See the range? I'm not saying he's the best of all time, but he's hardly in Richard Gere territory.
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