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teddy... why do you keep naming people you've never seen or only seen once... first Jim Brown and now Nolte. Nolte is good at one character... the grouchy cop with a hangover (48 hours).

Not to mention the ex-con trying to go straight (Three Fugitives). By the way, no way does Kurt Russell belong on the list. Besides Tombstone he gave a great performance in a really lousy movie called The Best of Times.
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Male: Keanu Reeves

Female: Ashley Judd
No way, I just watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure over the weekend, and Keanu Reeves rocked.:banger:

I don't know about Ashley Judd. It's hard for me to tell if she's a good actress or not. I usually have a hard time discerning when she's even talking.

I think Chuck Norris is the worst male and female actor in movies, TV or commercials. He's so bad that nobody should be included alongside him.
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Gotta disagree with Samuel L. being listed here. As a matter of fact, he may be the best living actor on the planet right now. I've never seen the man do a bad movie.
Only problem is he plays the same character in every movie he has been in. I'm not saying he's a bad actor, in fact I like most of his movies, but he never seems to alter he character.


It's good motherfucking beer!!!

"No I can't stop yellin, that's just how I talk."
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By the way, no way does Kurt Russell belong on the list. Besides Tombstone he gave a great performance in a really lousy movie called The Best of Times.

Snake Plissken in 'Escape From New York' keeps him off the list.

He was great as Wyatt Earp in 'Tombstone', like you mentioned, as opposed to Costner who stunk up the joint as Wyatt Earp.
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Ugh...after enduring Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III I'd have to nominate Natalie Portman and Hayden Christiansan. I've never found myself wishing harder for characters to die. We'll all be better off if she just agrees to shut her mouth and do Playboy and he just walks off into cinema oblivion. Very bombad...
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I don't know if it's good or bad, but I guess I don't notice bad acting and bad movies as much as the rest of you. I think I try to find the good in most movies rather than the bad, which would explain why I can't wait for Return of the Sith to come out tomorrow. I'd prefer to suspend disbelief for a couple hours and enjoy a movie rather than pick it apart an not enjoy myself. Ok I'm done continue the bashing.
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I don't know if it's good or bad, but I guess I don't notice bad acting and bad movies as much as the rest of you. I think I try to find the good in most movies rather than the bad, which would explain why I can't wait for Return of the Sith to come out tomorrow. I'd prefer to suspend disbelief for a couple hours and enjoy a movie rather than pick it apart an not enjoy myself. Ok I'm done continue the bashing.
I agree with that sentiment, the only time I really complain is when it is so bad it ruins the movie. Affleck can do that, Reeves can do that (although he's so bad it's kind of funny at the same time) and the martial artists can do that. Never seen a hot chick who can do that:biggrin:
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Ugh...after enduring Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III I'd have to nominate Natalie Portman and Hayden Christiansan. I've never found myself wishing harder for characters to die. We'll all be better off if she just agrees to shut her mouth and do Playboy and he just walks off into cinema oblivion. Very bombad...

Natalie Portman is good in both Closer and Garden State.

Hayden Christiansan is much better in Life as a House.

I think you are mistaken about their bad acting skills, and what you saw was George Lucas's inability to write anything close to meaningful dialouge. Actors can only do so much with what they are given. I love the StarWars movies, but I think it is mostly due to the fact that I loved them as a kid. Except for the Empire Strikes Back, that movie was good, is good, and always will be good.
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Natalie Portman is good in both Closer and Garden State.

Hayden Christiansan is much better in Life as a House.

I think you are mistaken about their bad acting skills, and what you saw was George Lucas's inability to write anything close to meaningful dialouge. Actors can only do so much with what they are given. I love the StarWars movies, but I think it is mostly due to the fact that I loved them as a kid. Except for the Empire Strikes Back, that movie was good, is good, and always will be good.

I also blame George Lucas for all of the bad parts of the newer Star Wars movies. The only parts of Episode 3 that made me cringe were the love scenes. I like Natalie Portman as an actress most of the time.
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