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Game Thread Wisconsin 13, tOSU 31 (Oct 10, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN)

Anyone see another tackle there by the O-Line at the last second?

There isn't much that pisses me off more than seeing a fan with a hand on his hips and the other holding his mouth shut on third down. How about you clap with those hands and yell to help out the defense.
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is there a reason a TO wasn't taken immediately? They just wasted 19 seconds off the play clock...if you're going to conserve time for an end of half possesion, take it immediately. Seems you'd have thought that through before the play happened. Poor game management.
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billmac91;1562738; said:
is there a reason a TO wasn't taken immediately? They just wasted 19 seconds off the play clock...if you're going to conserve time for an end of half possesion, take it immediately. Seems you'd have thought that through before the play happened. Poor game management.

They shouldn't be taking time outs....get the team in at half and talk to them and settle the offense the fuck down.
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