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Game Thread Wisconsin 13, tOSU 31 (Oct 10, 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN)

Derek2k3;1562675; said:
TP is the starter, and the team is committed to him. He just needs to be sat down, calmed and START OVER.

He has shown that he can be a good passer, he just needs to relax, let it come to him. Set up the pass with the run, let him get some confidence and then do some longer passes. TP has shown that he can turn it on pretty quickly, he's just struggling getting his head back in the game. This is where the Seniors and Coaches step in.

"D" is still playing great, gonna be tough to keep the energy up though, we need a sustained drive to finish out this half.

You don't do the bolded part by benching him..
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