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Who is going to Austin for the game?

11 here. :banger: We're flying in from various locations around the country. All but 3 of us have tickets so far, but not together - we're spread out all over the stadium. The remaining 3 are hoping to grab cheap tickets right before kickoff, but personally I think they'll be SOL.

Here's to a Buckeye victory and hopefully one that I'll be sober enough to remember. :drunks:
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We have at least 6 going down in our group, we all have tickets. My uncle is going down with a group of about 26, most of who do not have tickets yet. I can't wait to get there and see how many fellow Buckeye fans are down there.
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Just so you guys know i am selling revenge shirts for this game i will be on campus this weekend for the NIU game with them and i will have some in austin as well! I think it'd be sweet if a lot of fans had them on friday before the game sat.

I hope that is officially licensed, otherwise you expect some jackass CLC claims representative to confiscate all of your shirts. Per a court ruling earlier this year, you're not allowed to sell a shirt that has colors representative of a University that has those colors trademarked. In your case since you have both scarlet and grey all of the shirts you have can be confiscated.
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I can not wait!!!!!! Only 8 days till I am down there.

I really can't wait. I get to Austin on Sunday. :biggrin:

My e-bay tickets just arrived. South end zone, section 37, row 17. Pretty close to the field.

I'm still looking to sell one of these tickets, hopefully to a Buckeye fan. See my post in the ticket forum.
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Is anyone driving down? There were originally 3 of us driving together however one dropped out due to his ticket connection falling through. Now it looks like there are only two of us going, so if anyone wants to carpool, let me know.
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I hope that is officially licensed, otherwise you expect some jackass CLC claims representative to confiscate all of your shirts. Per a court ruling earlier this year, you're not allowed to sell a shirt that has colors representative of a University that has those colors trademarked. In your case since you have both scarlet and grey all of the shirts you have can be confiscated.

well the color of the shirt is not scarlet it is red and i'm sure the color grey that was used is not the exact grey that is used on licensed shirts! I have a vendors license to sell them too.
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Just curious, where did you get these tickets? That section has a bunch of students, so I'm kind of worried you got stundent tickets.

Bernard Rubble.

Seriously, the guy told me that section 30 is pretty much long-time season ticket holders with virtually no students in the section. No I.D. is required either.

I'm not too concerned, I have all his contact info.
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This might have been covered before, but my hotel is in the Highland Park area, supposedly a few miles north of campus. I have a rental car, but are there shuttle busses or cabs running around that area to campus on gameday?
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This might have been covered before, but my hotel is in the Highland Park area, supposedly a few miles north of campus. I have a rental car, but are there shuttle busses or cabs running around that area to campus on gameday?

I could be wrong but I believe that your hotel would be in the Hyde Park area...which is a few miles north of campus.

Highland Park is in Dallas, just a few miles north of downtown...

anyway, if you are in Hyde park then it would be very easy to call a cab to come get you. They won't be just out there but can get there quickly. The bus system is also very good out there and I would not be suprised if they have a shuttle system working for the game. Ask the front desk at your hotel
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