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Who is going to Austin for the game?

Err, I mean Highland Mall area, there's a La Quinta Inn there.

EDIT: There's a Hyde Park in Cincinnati as well...pretty area of town, I might add.

Oh....well not so much then. There might be a park and ride in the area but I really wouldn't know. I would suggest either calling a cab service early and making an appointment or finding out where the shuttle is...sorry i am of about 0 help here
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Oh....well not so much then. There might be a park and ride in the area but I really wouldn't know. I would suggest either calling a cab service early and making an appointment or finding out where the shuttle is...sorry i am of about 0 help here

I figured I'd call the hotel and see if they knew...I'm sure there will be more than a few Buckeye fans staying there that weekend.
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Here's a question for for EH and HL...my buddies and I are staying at the Radison on CC and Congress, are there shuttles that run to campus on Saturday? Don't really feel like walking all the way across downtown Austin in the middle of the afternoon.
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Is anyone driving down? There were originally 3 of us driving together however one dropped out due to his ticket connection falling through. Now it looks like there are only two of us going, so if anyone wants to carpool, let me know.

Three of us are heading down from cbus on Thursday, hopefully arriving around 2:00 in the afternoon Friday. We are going to haul ass to get back late Sunday. I wouldn't mind a little caravan.
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