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Who is going to Austin for the game?

HL, I mean I'm not looking for a place with a huge dance floor where everyone is line dancing. I just want to go to a bar with a stage that has live music, preferrably country

Ok, well here are some places that are worth checking out to see who is playing

http://www.hillscafe.com/ - texas country/red dirt

http://www.continentalclub.com/ - blues/country/ a local legand

http://www.antones.net/ - you never really know what will be here

http://www.thebackyard.net/ - again, could be anyone playing, great venue

http://www.cncaustin.com/ - ditto, out on the lake

http://www.stubbsaustin.com/ - lots of good shows here but not exclusively country, in the middle of downtown

http://www.midnightrodeoaustin.com/ - as EH mentioned kinda cheesy venue but there are some good shows here, also pretty easy to find a soul mate :wink2:

you can also use www.austin360.com to help you. Truth is that there are a million places to see a live act and just about all of them have country acts at one time or another. I don't know how good of a weekend it will be though since the big show will be at DKR on Sat night

Also if you can afford to stay in town for the week then I would strongly urge you to get to ACL fest
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The word on the street is that the OSU Alumni Association has rented out Stubbs Barbecue on Saturday for a tailgate spot. I also heard Eddie George is throwing a party at one of the local nightclubs on Friday night. Not sure if it's a 'guests only' party or if it's open to the public. Will post name of club/bar once I get it.
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awesome list. thanks again for all the quality info!

Don't know why I forgot this if you have the chance to stay a little while looks like Aaron Watson is playing at Gruene Hall (south about 30 miles on 35) on Sunday night. the place is a true peice of Texas History and Aaron puts on a great show....pluss the women will be outragous


edit: nevermind, the show is on the 9th....anyway you should still check out Aaron Watson if you like country music
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We got a group of 10 going down. Got our plane tickets in May but couldn't find a flight out of Columbus or Cincy so we are flying out of Pittsburgh, didn't think $300 was too bad. Leaving early friday and coming back sunday. We booked our hotel 2 weeks after the game last year. We got 2 rooms at the Days Inn on campus. Don't really care how bad or nice it is just wanted a place to sleep. We should have our tickets this coming Monday. Got a hook up that is going to give us a decent price. Prices are out of control on Ebay. No way I am dropping $500-600 on a ticket. $400 is as high as I am going. I bet you will be able to scalp tix down there for under $300 close to game time. This is the same thing that happened last year. People wanted crazy money for their tickets and then they didn't sell and all of a sudden on game day you could get a ticket on ebay for $200, pick up only.

The Austin chapter of the OSU Alumni Association has all kinds of stuff going on until game time saturday. They teamed up with the VC to have a Buckeye hangout at Stubbs. Here is the web address for anyone who wants it.


Go Bucks
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Just got my tix for the game off of Ebay....

Seats are on the 27 yard-line, row 5 behind the Ohio State bench. Anyone jealous? :biggrin:

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I noticed that alot of the tickets on Ebay were coming with those End Zone club passes. I also noticed on some broker web sites that you could get them for about $10-15 each. If you had those passes or they came with your Ebay tix, would you go to the End Zone club? I would think it would be about 95% Texas fans. On the plus side they sell beer in there during the game although your not allowed to leave from there with your beer.
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Just got my tix for the game off of Ebay....

Seats are on the 27 yard-line, row 5 behind the Ohio State bench. Anyone jealous? :biggrin:


Nope, cause I still have money left in my bank account. :biggrin:

But seriously, those are ridiculous seats. Mine came in the mail yesterday - Section 15 row 27. Most expensive free taco I've ever purchased. Atleast I can see the jumbotron...
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Can't make it, but i am coming back to Ohio for my parents 50th anniversary party. Too bad we couldn't get a block of 100 tickets in the Shoe to celebrate. What an anniversary party it would be..... hmmmm something to think about for my 20th.

Here's an :io: to you!
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]It’ll be just like being at the VC! Join us starting at 10:00AM for drinks, barbeque, and fun with over 2000 other Buckeyes who have come to Austin to cheer the Bucks to victory over the ‘Horns!

We’ll be there till 3:00pm when it will be time to walk a couple of blocks to the BUCKEYE BASH!

We’ll see you there!

801 Red River (at the corner of 8th Street)
Austin, TX
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]http://stubbsaustin.com[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]The OSU Alumni Association will be sponsoring their BUCKEYE BASH starting at 3:00pm. Here are some specific details:

Location: Frank Erwin Center on Red River Road between 15th Street and Martin Luther King

Time: Doors open at 3:00 p.m.; estimated time of program: 4:00 p.m.

The OSU Marching Band will perform the songs it plans to play during the game. The cheerleaders and Brutus will perform following the band. Archie Griffin (and hopefully, Gene Smith) will speak during the program.

There will be several concession stands open that will be selling hot dogs, popcorn, candy, chips, soda and water. They will also be selling beer. We anticipate folks will stick around until 6:30 p.m. until it is time to walk to the game.

We look forward to seeing you at the bash; it should be a great event!!!!

That came from the gobucksbeattexas.com site! So that is where many osu fans will be tailgating i'm sure! Hope to see tons of buckeye fans!:oh:
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Just so you guys know i am selling revenge shirts for this game i will be on campus this weekend for the NIU game with them and i will have some in austin as well! I think it'd be sweet if a lot of fans had them on friday before the game sat.
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