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Who is going to Austin for the game?

Hey HL, i love live country music, but so much the two stepping, line dancing scene. will you find good live music in most of the bars on 6th or are certain ones better than others? BTW thanks for all of the solid info guys!
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I found the Red Roof Inn and that is probably my place. Car rental will probably not happen b/c I will not be able to drive. :biggrin:

Side note, I did get a ton of leads on tailgating and found other places to stay if need be. Thanks for all the help. As this thing gets closer, we should all put together a Buckeye tailgating section
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Hey HL, i love live country music, but so much the two stepping, line dancing scene. will you find good live music in most of the bars on 6th or are certain ones better than others? BTW thanks for all of the solid info guys!

actually very few of the bars on 6th have live music. I am not sure what you are trying to say about dancing to country music...yeah or nay...then i'll give you an answer
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Can I wear my cowboy hat??? I wanna two step with some southern belles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as it doesn't look like this

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Hey HL, i love live country music, but so much the two stepping, line dancing scene. will you find good live music in most of the bars on 6th or are certain ones better than others? BTW thanks for all of the solid info guys!
The Broken Spoke on South Lamar is what you are looking for and pretty much the last country bar in Austin. There are a few others in the surrounding small towns. If you can work in a trip to Gruene Hall in New Braunfels about 45 minutes south of Austin do it.
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The Broken Spoke on South Lamar is what you are looking for and pretty much the last country bar in Austin. There are a few others in the surrounding small towns. If you can work in a trip to Gruene Hall in New Braunfels about 45 minutes south of Austin do it.

Agreed. Broken Spoke is the last true old fashioned honky tonk in Austin. There are other, much more cheesy dance halls that I grudgingly admit I have been to: Midnite Rodeo, Dallas Night Club, Graham's (a showbiz pizza for rednecks, although I am batting 1.000 there).
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I bought my flight the day it was available on Southwest way back in March. Supposedly we have 6 hotel rooms downtown Austin for 40 people. I feel really bad for whoever is on our floor. Its going to be SpringBreak2006 for a bunch of 25-26 year olds. No ticket to the game yet, but I am not worried. Not planning on spending more than 400 for a ticket though.

Its actually 5 hotel rooms with a confirmed 20 people (15 guys and 5 girls). The LA connection didn't come through either...the girl wised up and looked on ebay and got 2 G's for the 4 tickets
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So where would be the best place to watch the game for those of us that do not have tickets? I imagine there has to be a lot of places with a ton of TVs. We also need to represent for College GameDay. My friends and I made it on TV last year for this game and had so many people calling us. :oh: :io:
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