Interesting, but how do you explain the people who died?
I'm thinking the blonde chick might have fixated on Hugo in the hospital and is obsessed with him. Why else would a piece of ass like that want anything to do with Hurley? When he got out she faked being ok to get out as well. Who knows why she was there? She could be a stalker or something. She probably actually is whatever she said her profession is (don't remember exactly). I would say she changed her hair color, but after 50-60 days on the island the brown would be coming through. Maybe she's blonde and dyed it brown earlier.
I also really hope that this whole thing isn't in Hurley's head. My big theory is that the plane crashed and everyone died. The island is basically a form of purgatory where they wait to go to heaven or hell. When Boone and Shannon died they had worked out their remaining issues and were ready to move on to the next level of existence. Boone got over his obsession with Shannon and asked Jack to let him go after he got crushed by the plane. Shannon never had anyone to believe her or love her for who she was until just before she died. The other people who died don't fit that profile, but who cares about them anyway? The Others have their list of who is good that they were trying to kidnap so maybe they are the gatekeepers of heaven deciding who gets in.