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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2009?

  • 11 - 2 and win the national championship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 9 - 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8 - 5 or worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
might not be screwed with 0 or 1 loss

I think if you have a 12-1 Florida and a 12-1 Oklahoma (or Al or TX) (dont forget they have a conference championship game) vs a 12-0 Ohio State at the end of the year,i am not so sure we are getting screwed if we end up ranked #3, With 1 loss? forget about it!!.....The only we are getting in if the teams mentioned above have 2 more losses then OSU.
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I'm with Milani on this one. Undefeated, and a rematch with Texas in the NCG. The Bucks (with the 9th ranked offense in the Big Ten) came close to knocking off a NCG caliber Texas team last year. No way the offense is going to be close to as bad as last year....and I don't foresee any drop-off from the defense this year. Get ready, these next two years are going to be something special.:oh:
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Loss to USC, another Big 10 loss, and a loss in a BCS game. This is a young team with tremendous talent, but I think they're a year away. And I'm still not convinced about the offense...as they say, I'm from Missouri on that one.
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I think the team is BETTER this year. One play away from beating Penn State (Pryor fumble), and one play away from beating Texas (Quan Cosby pass with 16 seconds left). Little if any drop off defensively..just reload as usual, and I expect a much improved offense.
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grnvllbuck;1525074; said:
I think the team is BETTER this year. One play away from beating Penn State (Pryor fumble), and one play away from beating Texas (Quan Cosby pass with 16 seconds left). Little if any drop off defensively..just reload as usual, and I expect a much improved offense.

So true this should be a good team but our 10' team will be the one to win it all... Go Buckeyes
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If ohio state goes undefeated that means they beat usc and with our #4 ranking theres no way you dont play in a national championship if All other teams ahead of you have 1 loss. You guys just better take care of buisness against whoever you play the slump needs to end this year.
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I was looking at our newly released depth chart today, and when I look at these I dont only look at how the lineup looks this year, but how it sets us up for next year. Next year we have a chance to be special. I'm not saying to look past this season because we shouldnt. We have a chance to be great this season, but next season is the perfect storm. Once again, I'm not looking past this season because we will be great, but I'm just saying....

Name and 09 Year

QB: Pryor (Junior)

RB: Dan Herron (Junior)
Brandon Saine (Senior)
Jordan Hall (Sophomore)
Jamal Berry (Sophomore)

WR: Devier Posey (Junior)
Dane Sazenbacher (Senior)
Duron Carter (Sophomore)
Lamaar Thomas (Sophomore)
Taurian Washington (Senior)

So far we haven't lost anyone on the three deep from this upcoming season to next season. I'm not counting Ray Small at the moment.

TE: LOSE Jake Ballard
Jake Stoneburner (Sophomore)

OT: Andy Miller (Senior)
JB Shugarts (Junior)
Marcus Hall (Sophomore)
Mike Adams (Junior)
LOSE Jim Cordle

OG: Justin Boren (Senior)
Corey Linsley (Sophomore)
Bryant Browning (Senior)
LOSE Andrew Moses

C: Michael Brewster (Junior)
Jack Mewhort (Sophomore)

Basically on offense we only lose 2 starters!! Jim Cordle and Jake Ballard. The most important thing is we have a Junior QB with loads of returning talent around him. Not just a little, but a crap load of very talented RB's and WR's.

Ok I'm too lazy to continue that on the defense, but our defense returns a lot as well:

DE: Cameron Heyward (Senior)
DT: Thad Gibson (Senior)
DT: Dexter Larimore (Senior)
DE: LOSE Doug Worthington
LB: LOSE Austin Spitler
LB: Brian Rolle (Senior)
LB: Ross Homan (Senior)
CB: Chimdi Chekwa (Senior)
CB: LOSE Andre Amos
S: LOSE Anderson Russell
S: LOSE Kurt Coleman

Other Notable Returns on Defense:
LB: Dorian Bell Sophomore
LB: Etienne Sabino R-Junior
DE: Melvin Fellows Sophomore
CB: Corey Brown Sophomore
LB: Tyler Moeller Senior
LB: Storm Klein Sophomore
S: Orhian Johnson Sophomore
CB: Devon Torrence Senior

I was just going off guys I was impressed with or who was highly touted and has a lot of potential.

Of course we could use some players early to the draft (Boren), but if we return most then you gotta love our chances for next year. This year is a strong starting point for the Pryor years at OSU.
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