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What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2006?

What Will Be the Buckeyes' Record in 2006?

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Northern Illinois could be a tough game, I think you will win but they may surprise staying close... and Texas might be your only loss, early enough to climb back into the NC unless someone runs the board

<TABLE borderColor=#990000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=590 border=2><TBODY><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>09/02/06</TD><TD>Northern Illinois (1)</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>09/09/06</TD><TD>Texas</TD><TD>Austin, TX</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>09/16/06</TD><TD>Cincinnati (2)</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>09/23/06</TD><TD>Penn State</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>09/30/06</TD><TD>Iowa</TD><TD>Iowa City, IA</TD><TD>ABC or ESPN</TD><TD width=100>8:00 PM</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>10/07/06</TD><TD>Bowling Green</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>10/14/06</TD><TD>Michigan State</TD><TD>East Lansing, MI</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>10/21/06</TD><TD>Indiana</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>10/28/06</TD><TD>Minnesota (3)</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>ABC, ESPN or ESPN2</TD><TD width=100>3:30 PM</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>11/04/06</TD><TD>Illinois</TD><TD>Champaign, IL</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#ffffff><TD>Sat</TD><TD>11/11/06</TD><TD>Northwestern</TD><TD>Evanston, IL</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#eeeeee><TD>Sat</TD><TD>11/18/06</TD><TD>Michigan</TD><TD>Columbus, OH</TD><TD>TBA</TD><TD width=100>TBA</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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UT could be the only game i think of a loss. i now when the big ten play starts it is always tough to win, but the offense is just amazing if they play and open it up.
the defense will be tough, and get better as time goes on.
MState will be a the toughest confrence game i think. Minn. lost there running backs.
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I have us at 12-1 and getting screwed by the BCS. All of those Big 10 haters will be out in full force after our confrence's big let down in the bowls last year.

It stil pains me to see all of those underclassmen leaving for the cash grab last year. IMO we could of already started to hang up the NC banner if they stuck around.
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It is so hard to go undedfeated. So many variables like injuries, turnovers, bad ref calls, etc. I voted 12-1 and we win the NC.

Without question, we have the talent. I think our Offense will be one of, if not the best in the nation. My only concern on Defense is the secondary. Lot's of speed and talent but not much experience. We are good to go at LB and DL IMHO.

On a positive note there is only one team (please correct me if I'm wrong) that has a QB to take advantage of our inexperience in the secondary and that is Iowa. But I think that is the fifth game of the season and so our secondary will have some time to mature before facing the Hawkeyes.

Go Bucks!! :osu:
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Let's say one probability for each scenario.

I'd say that if Ohio State is playing the way they were at the end of last year, and they played ten games against Texas in Columbus, Ohio State would win 3-5 of them. Texas was too good last year for me to pick anything over 5. But I'm confident that Ohio State was playing well enough for them to win 3. 2 other games might go either way. So I'll go with 4.

With the "clusterfudge" (as Mili put it) at QB, I'd say that Ohio State wins 3. Smith is in there long enough to get some points, and even Zwick gets some points. But too many drives are stalled for this or that reason, and the defense is, again, asked to do a lot. They'd stop Vince Young more than he's used to, but he still beats the Bucks 7 times.
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After reading everything about the probabilities I still voted for 13 and Oh Yeah. I guess its mostly because that's what I want to happen. I obviously could "See" OSU losing a game, although other than playing at Austin our schedule sets up nicely the rest of the way. The nice thing about JT is that the Buckeyes never seem to have any real downer games such as games before a big game or after a big win or bad loss. JT gets this team ready to play. In other words its hard to worry about the NIU's of the world with JT coaching.
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It can work both ways with Tate. He could be intimidated or the revenge factor could come into play. Plus being an early game in the season, at Iowa could also factor in, when our secondary might not have the same kind of chemistry when it faces Mich St. later on in the year. The game is also at Mich St. but I think our D will have really developed by then.

Regardless, my main point is that we don't face a lot of teams with QB's that can take advantage of our inexperience in the secondary.
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It stil pains me to see all of those underclassmen leaving for the cash grab last year. IMO we could of already started to hang up the NC banner if they stuck around.

I was talking to a friend of mine about that a few days ago.

CB's : Ashton Youboty & Malcolm Jenkins

Saftey: Donte Whitner & Jamario O'Neal

Man that secondary with "questions" this year sure would have had those answered quickly.
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