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What song are you listening to right now

That's funny, I never really caught on to the last Arcade Fire album, but I like "Intervention" from the new album. I'm eager to hear the rest of it, but I'm not sure that I'll like it.

BuckeyeTillIDie;756923; said:
How do you have it already? :sneaky:

So it's not living up to "Funeral"? What's so different?

I just found several copies of it on SoulSeek. Actually, after matz mentioned the new Modest Mouse album, I found it on there too. I already had "Intervention" and "Dashboard", so it'll be nice to hear the rest of those albums. While I was at it, I also found the new Ted Leo + Pharmacists album, which I had already preordered. I'm pretty excited about that. I guess now all that's left for me to look forward to is a leak of Sky Blue Sky by Wilco.
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Sky Blue Sky by Wilco

I've looked for this as well, but it hasn't leaked yet. Here's some links (hope they still work) to the albums (hope this is ok to do this)...mods feel free to delete.

Arcade Fire - Neon Bible - 320kb


Wasn't too impressed after the first listen. Seemed more mellow than "Funeral".

Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before the Ship....


This album is much better than "Good News for People...".
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Gold Soundz - Pavement

So drunk in the August sun,
and you're the kind of girl I like.
Because your empty
and I'm empty,
and you can never quarantine the past.
But you remember, in December,
that I won't need you when I'm gone.
And if I go there, I won't stay there.
Because I'm been sittin' here to long...
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