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What song are you listening to right now

Carmen Ohio and here is a little bit o history for anybody that doesnt already know this.....:

In 1902, Ohio State played Michigan in Ann Arbor and lost the game 86-0. Fred Cornell, who attended the game, was a member of the Ohio State University Glee Club and a four letter athlete. On the train ride home he began to compose a song for Ohio State, by writing phrases on the back of an envelope. Inspired by the loss and hearing the Wolverine crowd sing The Yellow and Blue, Cornell proceeded to pen the hymn. Carmen Ohio was first performed by The Ohio State University Glee Club soon thereafter, in 1903. Carmen Ohio gained in popularity after it was first published in The Lantern on October 10, 1906 and appearing in the Ohio State-Michigan game program on October 20, 1906. The word "Carmen" means "song or poem", in Latin and Spanish, and hence the translated title of the alma mater means Song of Ohio or Ohio's Song.
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