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What book are you currently reading, or recommend?

bearonu said:
Over the last two months, I have read:

The Killer Angels - by Michael Shaara - Loved this book! It is about the battle of Gettysburg. It is told in first person format by all of the generals on both sides that are preparing for the battle. The chapters alternate between the Union and Conferderacy so you see it through each side's viewpoint as they prepare for battle. Very gripping, could not put it down.
Agreed. That is one of the best works of fiction I have ever read. The other two books in that series are, sadly, not as good.
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BuckinMichigan said:
Shutter Island by Lehane. He wrote Mystic River. I am about 100 pages in and it is getting interesting.

Finished it tonight. It was a very good book. I never heard of him before I stumbled over some of his books in the bookstore. I will need to go get more of his stuff tomorrow.
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Lots of 'down time' recently due to a family illness. Have just finished -

The Known World
The Kite Runner

All were very good. If you like to read for the pleasure of the words themselves Middlesex is a great ride.
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BuckinMichigan said:
Finished it tonight. It was a very good book. I never heard of him before I stumbled over some of his books in the bookstore. I will need to go get more of his stuff tomorrow.

I've read Mystic River in addition to the first three books in his Patrick Kenzie/Angela Gennaro detective series (Darkness, Take My Hand, A Drink Before the War, and Sacred). I thought his detective books were a cut above Mystic River, though all were interesting.
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The Codex by Douglas Preston
Thunderhead by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Just finished:

Da Vinci Code
The Rising
A Painted House

Just bought to read in the coming months:
Maximum Ride-James Patterson
The 12th card-Jeffrey Deaver
Garden of Beasts-Jeffrey Deaver
4th of July-James Patterson
The 100-Yard War
Dance of Death-Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
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What a bunch of intellectuals!!!
Doesn't anyone read sports books?
When on vacation I sometimes try to read a sports book. I usually buy them cheap at a dollar store or thrift shop. I can't see paying over a dollar or two for a book since after I read them I give them to someone else to read or leave them at the resort, etc. Anyway while in Jamaica last month (in between scuba diving and nude coed water volleyball) I actually read Building a Champion: On Football and the Making of the 49ers by Bill Walsh.
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Right now I'm reading the Scarlet Letter for school. Books that I have finished that I thought were very good are...

Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides (My favorite book, won the Pulitzer in 2003)

Life of Pi by Yann Martel (also very good though a little slow at first)

Rainbow 6 by Tom Clancy (all his books are good but this is my favorite of his)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (the entire series, not just the first one)

Those are just a few of the books that I really liked.
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Buckeye Maniac said:
Right now I'm reading the Scarlet Letter for school. Books that I have finished that I thought were very good are...

Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides (My favorite book, won the Pulitzer in 2003)

Life of Pi by Yann Martel (also very good though a little slow at first)

Rainbow 6 by Tom Clancy (all his books are good but this is my favorite of his)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (the entire series, not just the first one)

Those are just a few of the books that I really liked.
My wife has read all of Clancy's full-length novels, and she says Rainbow Six is the best of them. I've read The Scarlet Letter a couple times. It's one of the greatest masterpieces of American Literature, but it's not exactly fun reading.
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High Lonesome said:
That said I am reading Freakanomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.

It has been a very good read so far. They use economic tools to debunc myths and to show trends and then the reasons behind the trends. As most sports fans know, you can make stats say almost anything you want, and these guys take their liberties but it has been fun. So far they have called out Real estate agenst for not getting you the best deal on your house, called The Weakest Link prejudice, accused TEACHERS of cheating on standardized tests and given reasons why no child left behind won't work(your kidding right? a bill written by ted kennedy and signed by george bush is flawwed?), and they have told me what on-line dating "resumes" really mean when women describe themselves. Its a very easy read and rather entertaining.

I've been waiting for the library to fill my reserve on that book for a couple weeks now. I've heard from a few people that it's well worth the read.

I general I tend to read true crime and other non fiction type books. Some of the ones I've read recently:

American Roulette by Richard Marcus - pretty entertaining if you're into gambling

Conspiracy of Fools by Kurt Eichenwald - great account of the history of Enron and its collapse

JonBenet: Inside the Murder Investigation by Steve Thomas - Written by one of the Boulder cops that worked the investigation. Amazing how much the DA fucked up that one. the mother should burn in hell.

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote - Pretty well known but a good read
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for whatever reason I've been reading two series about vigilanties named Jack.

I'm reading :

One Shot by Lee Child
latest in the Jack Reacher series

Gateways by F. Paul Wilson
in the Repairman Jack series

and I'm looking forward to Killing Rain by Barry Eisler coming out this month. John Rain is ultra cool.
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I recently finished "Angels & Demons" by Dan Brown, and "The Broker" by John Grisham. Grisham has really gone downhill- I keep reading his books thinking that the next one will be better, but they're not.

I just started "A Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby. I love this guy- he wrote "High Fidelity" and "About a Boy", which you might recognize as movies if you haven't read them. He's got a very sharp wit (British humor), and does a great job of writing about somewhat serious issues with just the right amount of humor and personality, making it easy to identify with the characters and their problems.
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DEBuck, I love Hornby, especially High Fedelity and About a Boy. How to Be Good was really fucked up, but I'll be interested to hear what you think of the new one.

Just finished Hairstyles of the Damned by Joe Meno and Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. Loved both of them. Vowell is hilarious.
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