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Welcome: Irish Fans (Merged)

In fact, a few of us would rather have this one than a National Championship game.
Yeah, we've been waiting to play OSU since the late 90s when the Bucks beat us in those two games. Those were great games though, instant classics. I think it was Eddie George that played in one of those games, he really showed his skills and award winning abilities in that win. This bowl game should be a great one to watch.
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Man, this should really be a great game. I'm very happy that we got invited to the Fiesta Bowl to kick Notre Dame's a... uh, I mean, play Notre Dame. Seriously, though, this will be a good one. While I don't cheer for the Irish, I do respect them as a program and a university. Lots of great fans and tradition on each side- not to mention two pretty good football teams.

I love looking forward to the bowl games now that Tressel's in charge. I think that he's very good at preparing a game plan, and when he's got extra time to watch film, etc., he usually comes up with some great stuff. I'd think that, as an opposing coach, you've got to be a bit concerned knowing that Tressel has all of that extra time to get ready for you.

Glad to see the Irish fans here. Let's talk football, have a few beers, and get ready for a good game.
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The Four Horseman - "In dramatic lore they are known as famine, pestilence, destruction and death. These are only aliases. Their real names are: Stuhldreher, Miller, Crowley and Layden."

Man, I love this quote...This game really should be played with leather helmets and on black and white television or the old news reels...Overflowing with history and tradition...I love it!!! :biggrin:


Program--1936 tOSU @ Notre Dame


Ohio State punts during game action at the 1935 Notre Dame – OSU classic.
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I just want to add my welcome to WeAreND, imroc, DaytonDomer, Clashmore Mike and ulukinatme.

This is a classic matchup, and I'm looking forward to some good football discussions.

However, I may soon need to disable signatures to avoid seeing all that green at the bottom of some of your posts. :wink2:
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I just want to add my welcome to WeAreND, imroc, DaytonDomer, Clashmore Mike and ulukinatme.

This is a classic matchup, and I'm looking forward to some good football discussions.

However, I may soon need to disable signatures to avoid seeing all that green at the bottom of some of your posts. :wink2:

I already took care of that :biggrin:

To the above post, the "respect" fest should stay... Smack talk just deters from intelligent discussion of what should be a damn fine football game.

Personally I see the game decided the same way every other football game is decided, who can run the ball, and who can stop the run. In my scarlet colored world this favors the Buckeyes, but I have been wrong before ....
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Just jumped on board your site. Very professional looking. I've been an ND fan since the Leahy days (yeah, I'm a youngster). Grew up in Irish Catholic neighborhood in Chicago and my uncles started taking me to ND games when I was 7. My youngest boy graduated from ND 3 years ago. I, and my 3 boys, live and die with ND. Having said all that, I can't wait for the game. Both schools have a great football tradition and this turns out to be the rubber game of the series, since both teams are 2-2. Should be a barn burner.

Now about what you guys need to watch out for. Your defense is excellent, but you're going to have your hands full with our offense. Our O lne is very good. Also, if your "d" pays too much attention to Stovall and Shark, then Fasano and Walker will hurt you in the passing game. Defend the passing game too much and Walker and Thomas will hurt you with the running game. Blitz too much and draws and screens will become a problem. Therefore, your defense will have to play it honest for this game. This game will be about a great offense against a great defense. I just hope the old adage "defense wins championships" doesn't hold true Jan. 2.

If you can throw deep and catch the ball, you will beat our pass coverage. Don't think you will be able to run on us.

Special teams should be a push.

Coaching? I'll take a pro coach over a college coach any day.

This game may well end up being the best of ALL the BCS games. Just don't think we'll see too much defense in the USC/Texas game.

Looking forward to a real barnburner of a game. May be similar to the ND/USC game. I'd like to wish you good luck but I just can't do it. It's the "luck of the Irish". Not the "luck of the Buckeyes"!
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Well some have called us the Luckeyes :wink:! Welcome to the boards, as always. One thing to point out: not taking anything away from Charlie Weiss as he has accomplished a lot in his time with the pro's, but I think in this matchup, Tressel's domination in bowl games is getting overlooked. We've done well with JT (especially in the Fiesta Bowl, heh). Some say give Weiss a month to prepare and watch out! Well, no one knows what giving Weiss a month will do cause we have nothing to base it on in the college game. But we all know what Tressel does in bowl games after 30 days preparation, and it doesn't look good for the other team!

Once again, welcome to the board. What I love about this matchup is so many fans from both teams can share your story - the passion for our respective teams is immeasureable.
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not why you're sure we can't run the ball on you. You only held lowly Washington and BYU to under 100 yards. Everyone else eclipsed the century mark. Not saying your run D is bad, but you're not gonna make many believers out of a fanbase whose team is the best against the run (despite facing the #2, #3, and #15 rush offense).

I'm not that terrified of mighty Weis. I have tons of respect for him as a coach, but this is his first bowl game, and his first true challenge on an opposing defense (clearly SC was a huge opponent but their D leaves much to be desired). We'll see how he does. JT's record speaks for itself.

Weis will be a great coach as he brings better talent on board (especially on D). But he's up against a team as good as anyone not named SC (I won't go that far, there's no point).
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I remember checking out ND's schedule at the beginning of the season and thinking... "wow, these guys sure play a lot of tough teams"....

Now i look at it and say... "Uh... They have played 1 good team"

The thing that looks the best on their record is a loss? This has got to be one of the most over-rated teams in college football history.

I don't think this is going to be a very close game. ND is getting shut down. I think we win by 20 points.

I may be wrong... I guess we'll see.
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