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Week 14 CCG Games Discussion Thread

FSU got a FG after Louisville stupidly went for 4th and 2 at midfield, and a TD after a 70 yard run. That might be all they need vs Louisville.
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I feel like I’ve witnessed an unreal number of just straight up drops on potential interceptions this season. There’s probably some recency bias there; I know that’s why they play defense but it’s been ridiculous.
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It is going take more than a month to get him ready to win a playoff game.
That may be the case but 13 and zero is still 13 and zero. Their defense shutting down Jeff Brohm‘s offense is not easy. I would wager their QB would look better given a month to prepare and some reps he would look better than he has tonight. Remember he was third string until this week and probably didn’t get many reps until the last two weeks….
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