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Vince Young (unemployed)

this is turning into one of the strangest specticles in all of sport. Depending on who you talk to Vince either blew scouts away or left them with more questions than answers. Saun Salsburry said that he would strongly consider taking VY over ML and that he was 100% impressed. chris mortenson said that it was unimpressive and at this point Matt Jones was a better QB prospect.

I don't know what to think anymore, I am just happy that he was on my team for 3 years
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this is turning into one of the strangest specticles in all of sport. Depending on who you talk to Vince either blew scouts away or left them with more questions than answers. Saun Salsburry said that he would strongly consider taking VY over ML and that he was 100% impressed. chris mortenson said that it was unimpressive and at this point Matt Jones was a better QB prospect.

I don't know what to think anymore, I am just happy that he was on my team for 3 years

Well High Lonesome - I think you are being too polite.
I posted to the Leinart or Young Poll thread two reports on the Vince Young Pro day that show this contrast.


Those decrying or downplaying Young's performance even suggest it is a better bet to take Cutler over Young.

If that sentiment prevails on draft day the net result I believe will be one damned lucky team getting a deep discount on a future starting NFL quarterback with huge upside and potential.

But that's just my take from seeing him actually play in games - so what the hell would I know that the same geniuses who made Favre a second round pick don't see?
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Matt Jones?

I'd rather they leave the QB alone this year, although the deal for Brooks pretty much accomplishes that since he sucks. Just focus on defense in this draft and when that is all in place (maybe next year or in 2 years) go get a QB.
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Matt Jones?

I'd rather they leave the QB alone this year, although the deal for Brooks pretty much accomplishes that since he sucks. Just focus on defense in this draft and when that is all in place (maybe next year or in 2 years) go get a QB.

yeah that was the question, Matt Jones or VY, according to Mort(who you would take 5 out of 4 times) Jones was a better qb prospect at this piont than VY is.

whether or not you actually think that the raiders should take a qb in this draft is not relevant to this question as it is hypatheticle
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although I make it a policy never to agree with Longhorn fans I do agree with High Lonesome: let it end.

Vince's WORKOUT was a front page story in the Dallas Morning News sports section today. A workout?! apparently the sports world has completely stopped - no NCAA basketball, baseball beginning, nothing. just a guy working out in shorts and t-shirt. worst of all, they report there are MORE private workouts to come. great. we'll have to endure rumors of what happened there....

"I heard two teams brought a Go Fish! expert to the workout to test his intellegence under pressure. One team asked Vince to say the alphabet without singing the letters, and that didn't go well. Another team asked Vince to run on his hands and said he just wasn't as fast on his hands as on his feet. That is a concern to them...."

what a circus! the truth is no one knows what he'll do in the NFL, and no one will know until he is in the NFL and has a couple of years to try. a bunch of teams passed on Marino, Favre went in the second round, and San Diego took Ryan Leaf ahead of Payton Manning. these guys don't have a clue so can we just stop the madness?

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High Lonesome said:
yeah that was the question, Matt Jones or VY, according to Mort(who you would take 5 out of 4 times) Jones was a better qb prospect at this piont than VY is.

whether or not you actually think that the raiders should take a qb in this draft is not relevant to this question as it is hypatheticle
Actually the statement I made was when it's down to Salsburry vs Mort, Mort wins 5 times out of 4. Mort on his own is also a dipshit.....just not as much as Salsburry.
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Actually the statement I made was when it's down to Salsburry vs Mort, Mort wins 5 times out of 4. Mort on his own is also a dipshit.....just not as much as Salsburry.

hahahaha, ok gotchya....like i said, i am like a f'n woman on this thing and it is really in the best intrest of my health for the draft to be done with. It would also probably help that VY was taken by a team that is far away from Texas
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Mel Kiper is still saying that VY is a better QB prospect than Michael Vick was when he came out.

I heard 4.58 for his 40-time on ESPN. Not bad, but I thought he was a little faster than that - it did make me recall that Matt Jones had a faster time last year. But that comparison is lousy, since Jones wasn't a QB prospect and VY is.

I agree that he'll be better off away from Texas.
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I heard 4.58 for his 40-time on ESPN. Not bad, but I thought he was a little faster than that

He has never had a good start, and MadDog (Texas S&C Coach) reported that he has not been doing any speed training. He should not have run it given the circumstances, but probably could cut 0.1 off his time if he actually trained for it.
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I heard 4.58 for his 40-time on ESPN. Not bad, but I thought he was a little faster than that - it did make me recall that Matt Jones had a faster time last year. But that comparison is lousy, since Jones wasn't a QB prospect and VY is.
Well, that comparison is lousy because Matt Jones went to an SEC school, where he benefitted from those "southern speed" courses they teach there. :wink2:
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