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Vince Young (unemployed)



Fisher confident Young can avoid being a holdout

Thursday, July 27, 2006


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Coach Jeff Fisher is optimistic that the Tennessee Titans will be able to finish deals with their final three unsigned draft picks in the next few days.
Whether top pick Vince Young misses a day or two of training camp remains to be seen.

"I’m confident things are moving along," Fisher said yesterday when asked about contract negotiations with Young.

"There isn’t anyone wanting this to spill out to Friday or Saturday, Vince (Young), Major Adams (Young’s agent), or the organization. If it does spill over, it’s because the contract is pending league approval. I spoke with Vince this morning, and he really wants to be there and is excited about it."
The Titans hold their first practice of training camp Friday in Clarksville, Tenn. The Titans have agreed to terms with seven of their 10 picks, with the exceptions being Young, the No. 3 selection overall out of Texas; running back LenDale White (No. 45 overall, second round); and linebacker Terna Nande (fifth round).
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I really Wish we played that <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State><st1:place>Texas</st1:place></st1:State> game later in the year where Troy Smith played the full game and wasn't rusty. That would have been an AWSOME match. <st1:City><st1:place>Battle</st1:place></st1:City> of the QB's. I really like what Vince Young does on the field. He carries that team on his back.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I hate how people say he won't be anything in the NFL; I just don't see it happening. He won't look as good as he did in college but he will still do well. Also it's not like he had blazing speed last year, there were many QB's in that draft faster then him (Bruce Gradcowski(SP) ran the same time as him) It's how he runs(plus he is huge and hard to take down)<o:p></o:p>
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Young's stats from last night:

4 carries for 28 yards, 0 TD
4/11 passing for 56 yards, 0 TD, 0 INT
sacked twice

Not that great of a performance by VY, especially considering the talent he was playing against (most of his time was in the third and fourth quarters of the preseason game).
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I agree that his stats aren't mind-blowing, let alone good. However, it was his first "game" in the NFL, and he didn't turn the ball over. Four carries for 28 yards is pretty good. The accuracy and completions will come with experience. It may take a year or two (maybe a little longer), but I think he'll get there.
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I agree that his stats aren't mind-blowing, let alone good. However, it was his first "game" in the NFL, and he didn't turn the ball over. Four carries for 28 yards is pretty good. The accuracy and completions will come with experience. It may take a year or two (maybe a little longer), but I think he'll get there.

True, he didn't turn the ball over, but he was damn well asking for it when he flipped the ball into the endzone (on the play he hurt his ankle). That ball is intercepted by any real NFL defense. Even though it was preseason time against the Saints' backups, he can't expect to make those kind of decisions as a Pro anymore.
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Supposedly, the Titans staff wants him to get at least a series in each half once the season starts and go from there. If he does well, I can see YOung strating by the end of the season... if only he could get him mechanics down right, they look awful. However, it will probably take him at least a year to be the full-fledged start in Tennessee.
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looks like he won't even miss practice this week. The hook shot think he tossed up was one of the ugliest things i have ever seen. However, the long pass that was dropped was one of the most beautiful. Give him time. The game will slow down and he will be an absolute stud again
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High Lonesome said:
looks like he won't even miss practice this week. The hook shot think he tossed up was one of the ugliest things i have ever seen. However, the long pass that was dropped was one of the most beautiful. Give him time. The game will slow down and he will be an absolute stud again
Now, I didn't watch the game....all I saw were highlights. But I thought the dropped pass to the guy streaking down the left side of the field was one of the ugliest looking passes I've ever seen in the NFL. Maybe I have the plays mixed up?
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Now, I didn't watch the game....all I saw were highlights. But I thought the dropped pass to the guy streaking down the left side of the field was one of the ugliest looking passes I've ever seen in the NFL. Maybe I have the plays mixed up?
you mean the duck where he got injured? that ball wasn't really dropped, unless you're referring to the near INT (which obviously HL would not reference as a beautiful pass).
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