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Utah 25 Michigan 23 (Final)

SNIPER26;1243922; said:
Sad thing is, if Tyler Ecker has a functional brain, we win that game.
Cutting it inside against the Buckeyes on the last drive, as it was, in 05 was pretty stupid of him too.

But, I can't understand how in the hell he allowed himself to go out of bounds with the football on that Alamo play. No excuse.
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SNIPER26;1243918; said:
There were some positives for UM in that game.

-Carson Butler's nice grab.
- Junior Hemingway's TD.
- Threet's throw on that TD. Steve Schilling not racking up a -12 in protection by Brian at MGoBlog's "Upon Further Review" deal. (Check it out, it's really good. Schilling "earned" a -12 against Vernon Gholston last year).
- Obi Ezeh turning into 2006 David Harris (at least for one game). 15 tackles and a pick? I'll take it.
- K.C Lopata with a 50 yard FG that had some extra room.
- Donovan Warren being pretty damn good.
- Really liked the defensive line.


- Morgan Trent. Yeeeeeesh. And for the record, I was not one of the homerish UM fans that said Trent was some type of God. I have always called him a mediocre to average corner. Warren, however, is awesome.
- Marell Evans in pass coverage. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh. Let up a 39 yard reception to that RB that killed us.
- 4-3 against four and five wide. Did the Vince Young, Troy Smith, The Horror, Oregon etc.. not teach us anything? NICKEL AND DIME PACKAGES MOTHERFUCKERS! I'd much rather see Warren/Trent/Cissoko/Harrison/Brown than Insert Linebacker Clusterfuck here.
- Blitz. Oh for the love of God, blitz! Pussy ass soft zone doesn't do shit.
- Punt returns? Uh, no
- Martavious Odoms? Let's do a little more moving with the ball when it's in our hands, mmmmmk?
- Nick Sheridan at QB. Or any position.
That's a pretty good summary. The whole Morgan Trent trash was absolutely hilarious to witness this offseason. You guys have a DL that is very capable of putting pressure on the QB, but they still looked pretty vulnerable against the run from what I saw. The safeties didn't look very good and while I agree Warren is a very good corner, Morgan Trent's presence negates that.

The offense is just a total mess. I don't know that Odoms can be blamed a whole lot, the Utes D was all over those short passes. It's mind boggling that DR kept going back to it again and again and again. I think you're gonna have to get used to that though. He's a bullheaded playcaller who either doesn't like or doesn't know how to deviate from his game plan. If DR is smart (no returns on this), Sheridan wouldn't see the field again. He's an absolutely terrible fit for that offense. At least Threet has an arm, but his decision making was pretty lousy and he was missing open recievers. Maybe Carlos Brown is the best option at QB after all. :lol:
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How critical is that NoD game for them now? If they don't sweep the rest of their OOC they are going to be cutting it very close for a Bowl game.

Lose to Fat Charlie and they start the B10 at 2-2 which means they have to go 4-4 or better.

Wisc, Illinois, MSU and NU at home
@ OSU, @ PSU, @ Purdue and @ Minny

They could easily go 3-5 in B10 play.
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NFBuck;1243927; said:
That's a pretty good summary. The whole Morgan Trent trash was absolutely hilarious to witness this offseason. You guys have a DL that is very capable of putting pressure on the QB, but they still looked pretty vulnerable against the run from what I saw. The safeties didn't look very good and while I agree Warren is a very good corner, Morgan Trent's presence negates that.

The offense is just a total mess. I don't know that Odoms can be blamed a whole lot, the Utes D was all over those short passes. It's mind boggling that DR kept going back to it again and again and again. I think you're gonna have to get used to that though. He's a bullheaded playcaller who either doesn't like or doesn't know how to deviate from his game plan. If DR is smart (no returns on this), Sheridan wouldn't see the field again. He's an absolutely terrible fit for that offense. At least Threet has an arm, but his decision making was pretty lousy and he was missing open recievers. Maybe Carlos Brown is the best option at QB after all. :lol:

Nah, I don't blame Odoms too much. I'm just bitter. I've felt since day 1 that Carlos Brown probably gives us the best chance to win, as sad as that may be. This isn't NCAA 09 where a RB can never complete a pass because his throwing accuracy is a 40. Obviously we're not going to throw down the field too often. I'm sure Brown can hit an 8 yard hitch or a swing pass or a whatever the fuck we're calling. And he gives us a running option, something neither Sheridan or Threet do.
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good summary sniper, that's why we like having you here. Oh, and lines like below :)
Screw you and your multiple quoting that I don't know how to do!
you can also type [*quote] or [*/quote] (remove the asterisks) to quote any text... and obviously split it up with those brackets.
3. Yeah, I'd say it was Sheridan's fault. He's pretty awful. If he could never see the field again, that'd be just peachy.
- Threet's throw on that TD. Steve Schilling not racking up a -12 in protection by Brian at MGoBlog's "Upon Further Review" deal. (Check it out, it's really good. Schilling "earned" a -12 against Vernon Gholston last year).
Showed some good potential, needs to put it together mentally. Saw some flashes of the 'soft' tag that's been tossed around as well, and that was against Utah defenders, not PSU, ILL, Wisky or OSU bohemoths.
- Martavious Odoms? Let's do a little more moving with the ball when it's in our hands, mmmmmk?
Odoms & McGuffie are darty, but once someone gets their hands on them, it looks like grandpa swinging the grandkids back and forth.
- Threet's throw on that TD. Steve Schilling not racking up a -12 in protection by Brian at MGoBlog's "Upon Further Review" deal. (Check it out, it's really good. Schilling "earned" a -12 against Vernon Gholston last year).
Feel free to post that in game threads, or TSUN thread. His stuff is pretty good, when it's not an avalanche of words.
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This was a home game for starters. Your QB sucks. Your back 7 is atrocious. Utah did everything...I mean everything to keep Michigan alive.

This game was actually closer than I thought it would be. Utah had what 150+ yards in penalties...negated Int due to PI. This shouls have been a 2+ TD victory for Utah. Against better WR's your secondary will get torched...absolutely fried.

Michigan has a long season ahead of them. They better be ready for the Irish who will pissed about the whoopin they got last year.
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How bad of an idea would it be to start Cissoko next game? Worked out fine with Warren last year. How bad could it be? Trent in the nickel where he can use his 2.11 40 speed to sprint after the receiver who just ran past him. The more I watch Donovan Warren, the more I realize just how awesome he is, especially for a sophomore. I hope Cissoko can be that good one day.

AND MOTHERFUCKER STEVIE BROWN DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT YOU! Two straight years now. "Stevie Brown is apefucking training camp, he's gonna be a ZOMGZ SUPER STAR!!!!!!!11!". Game time rolls around and.......epic failz.
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brutus2002;1244010; said:
This was a home game for starters. Your QB sucks. Your back 7 is atrocious. Utah did everything...I mean everything to keep Michigan alive.

Please don't include Dono Warren in that atrocious back 7 comment, as he's actually pretty wonderful. We're pleased to have him, even though I'd be regretting choosing UM over USC right now if I were him.

Michigan has a long season ahead of them. They better be ready for the Irish who will [censored]ed about the whoopin they got last year.

And the one before too, I would presume. Though I still think UM wins that game.
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Sportsbuck28;1244017; said:
Did you watch the AA game?

Yeah, well, I don't think Shafer's dumb enough to put him in zone coverage against 6'5" wideouts. JMO though. Cissoko is a damn good corner, especially in press man to man. Zone? Some work to do. Judging one's talent by a few plays in an all-star game is sketchy at best.
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