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Utah 25 Michigan 23 (Final)

ChisAto;1243658; said:
Yo do you guys do the dancing bananas when we lose?

If it makes you feel better at least one Buckeye fan will probably be on your side next week.

ORD's UIOOTOS* hate will likely trump all.

And the week after that most of us (including me) will be rooting for you to embarrass ND.

Nutriaitch;1243663; said:
damn! I wish I was home.
or at least I wish I had my DirecTv.

BTW where did you end up to ride out the storm?

*Universities In Ohio Other Than Ohio State
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- Despite Utah practically giftwrapping the game for them (that was a near epic implosion with the fumbles and penalties), they just don't have the ability on offense to capitalize.
- The D played better overall in the 2nd half. The Line looks like it can get after the QB and they're gonna need it because the LB's and secondary looks as bad as usual. It looks like they're pretty easy to run on.
- They have no QB.
- They're OL is a mess.
- Morgan Trent. :slappy:
- They'll likely beay Miami next week, but they're in trouble this season. The QB situation is a mess, the RB's looked mediocre and put the ball on the ground and the OL looks as bad as expected.
- This might be a six win team.

Oh yeah....:groove:
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The spin will be that they lost a tough hard fought game to a team on par with the 1994 49ers.

The truth is they lost an ugly game to a mediocre team that let scUm stay in it with stupid penalties and mistakes on special teams.

scUM cannot pass protect and their 2 QB's are going to get picked off A LOT by the better defenses they play. Like we said all winter, the D is decent-nothing great but they will be put in such terrible positions by the offense it won't matter.

Who do they open with next year?
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