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USC vs. OSU: A fun Idea for a Prediction Thread

tOSU wins because the Silver Bullets are flying and are the by far the best defense SC has seen in years.

tOSU loses because Beanie isn't full speed and TB gets happy feet.

USC wins because they dink and dunk our soft zone to death right down the field and Sanchez makes few mistakes.

USC loses because they have to stack the box to stop Beanie and TB hits a couple of deep-ones on them.

tOSU 27- USC 24 53 yd field goal by Pettrey with 2:30 left and USC turns it over on downs at the tOSU 25 with 44 seconds left. (If I'm going out on a limb, the least I can do is saw halfway through it :tongue2:

What really horrifies me and sticks in the back on my mind is the soft zone that our D-coaches used in the last two NC games, USC will eat us alive with this type of approach, also hate to beat a horse that was dead years ago, but our O-lines (IMHO) have underperformed for years under the current position coach, and I've seen nothing to change my position this year. So I guess what I'm saying is
tOSU loses (big) if our coaching staff doesn't let the players use their talent (including feeding Beanie the rock 25-35 times)
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This thread is making me sick


it needs more Cow Bell

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OSU wins because Beanie goes for 140 and TP rushes for 50
OSU loses becuase their interior D gets dominated keeping JL from doing his thing

USC wins becuase ohio state plays soft zone and gets picked apart
USC losese because they are too cocky

tOSU 13
USC 27

I guess I'm just a bit jaded about our defense the past few big games. Hopefully they prove me wrong.
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Bucks win if they play a perfect game, get pressure on Sanchez and eliminate the big play. Defense is going to be the key, the need to keep the score low and play smash mouth footbal.

Bucks Lose if the make mistakes and shoot themselves in the foot.

USC Wins if they can push around the Bucks O-Line and D-Line like they have for almost every other team recently.

USC Loses if they make mistakes.

Prediction, Mark May runs down and starts giving Pete Carroll a handy before the game even starts.
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The Bucks shock the world and Trojans by coming out and dominating on defense. Sanchez gets roughed u all night, and forces a few throws.

The Bucks play ball-control and win a game that isn't as close on the scoreboard.

The Bucks then get no media love, as the media that has built USC up, says USC was overrated.
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Tresselbeliever;1253578; said:
Pressure from DEs won't be enough. Sanchez is going to roll out on misdirection plays and dump it off to open TEs and RBs. We gotta anticipate that and have a LBer in his face when he does that.

Like against OU when Freeman was playing the QB spy on Boo Jackson doing a tip drill with Laurinaitis, except I don't want to see Sanchez throw it, I want him in the dirt.

This whole game is going to look like Germany going into Poland...

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jmorbitz;1253581; said:
Like against OU when Freeman was playing the QB spy on Boo Jackson doing a tip drill with Laurinaitis, except I don't want to see Sanchez throw it, I want him in the dirt.

This whole game is going to look like Germany going into Poland...


I agree with you, and said that about the past 2 nat'l championships that we needed to blitz and needed to blitz often.

If we can get to Sanchez, hit him so hard that he cries like Romo did when he got his chin busted open in yesterdays game, over and over and over again. That'd be fantastic. I would love to see a typical B10 smash mouth football game where we stick it to them.

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Look at what the young UMiami did to the vaunted Gator Offense for three quaters. They were outmatched personnel wise, but the numerous differing blitz packages were effective at stopping the run, and getting pressure and forcing throws that Tebow usually has time to make.

USC desn't run the Urban Spread, so tOSU doesn't need to worry too much about "QB Read Zone Option Half Back Toss Hail Mary"

Blitz and hit them hard at the LOS and do not give Sanchez time. Pressure the new, young starting O-Line. Just don't overpursue.

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jmorbitz;1253609; said:
Look at what the young UMiami did to the vaunted Gator Offense for three quaters. They were outmatched personnel wise, but the numerous differing blitz packages were effective at stopping the run, and getting pressure and forcing throws that Tebow usually has time to make.

USC desn't run the Urban Spread, so tOSU doesn't need to worry too much about "QB Read Zone Option Half Back Toss Hail Mary"

Blitz and hit them hard at the LOS and do not give Sanchez time. Pressure the new, young starting O-Line. Just don't overpursue.


I agree about the need to hit them hard but SC does actually do the half back toss hail mary play. We gotta stay assignment sound or it's going to give them too many easy ones. Another thing is that Miami was able to collapse the pocket rushing just four players and freed up the linebackers to make plays in space. They are good.
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Bucks win despite losing both the first down and yards of offense battle to USC, but win due to a special teams TD and have a short field turnover TD as well - Bucks win 28-24. Beanie runs for 125, with a 45 yard TD late in the third quarter to take a Buckeye lead for the first time. Sanchez is intercepted in the end zone in the following long drive to stop a Trojan score, deflating USC and leading to punt exchanges for the rest of the fourth quarter. As time runs out, USC turns it over on downs.

Talking heads say tOSU was lucky. Mili creates inventive new curse words strings to greet USC trolls who appear after loss.
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OSU wins if they show up with a healthy Beanie and don't pretend the game is too big for them.
OSU loses if they believe bullshit hype about how this USC team is better than the team that lost to Stanford.
USC wins if OSU beats themselves, whether it be penalties or poor play calling.
USC loses if they let Beanie punish them.

Honestly, I think OSU wins 24-10. This team is much better than it played last week, I cannot believe everyone seems to think the sky is falling.
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Ohio State will win: If they score more points
Ohio State will lose: If they score less points
USC will win: If they score more points
USC will lose: If they score less points

In all honesty, I think that the fact that many of us fans think that the Buckeyes will get trumped makes me believe the game will be a good one.

OSU - 25
USC - 27
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Good luck to the men in S & G.

OSU Wins: OL comes out firing in the first drive, gives TB the confidence to perform like he did against PSU and Wells the holes in which to run.
OSU Loses: WR's can't shake the CB's causing TB to hold the ball too long and throw too late as well as allowing USC D loading the box for Wells.

USC Wins: USC dials up a mix of blitzes the way LSU and UF did. TB is overwhelmed by unaccounted for defenders.
USC Loses: Sanchez realizes early on that OSU's D isn't UVA's D. His confidence is shaken. DE's gain confidence early on and believe they can get to the qb on every snap.


Buckeyes grit out a game for the ages and Beanie plays a pivitol part.
OSU: 27
USC: 22

The OL is exposed again like the UF and LSU games.
USC: 31
OSU: 24
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