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USC QB Mark Sanchez arrested for sexual assault (split and merged)

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Some Sanchez Background

A little more information is coming out regarding the circumstances of the sexual-assault arrest of USC quarterback Mark Sanchez. According to several sources, Sanchez and the alleged victim met at his apartment and engaged in some sexual activity but did not have sexual intercourse.
The alleged victim left Sanchez’s apartment and several hours later called her mother and told her what happened, sources said. Her mother then telephoned the police, which led to the eventual arrest.


Well, if he gets off this, he will look back on this one day and realize just how close he came to blowing it.

Now your tongue was firmly in cheek when you write that, right :wink2:
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Yeah he is. I meant to talk to him about THAT. They bonded when they were recruits and so that might be tough one to break up. Hey, Mark does have a little bit of the "tough guy" in him and so he kind of feeds off Brian. Not good really. But it wasn't unusual for Mark to find himself in 'situations of conflict" before he met Brian.
Hopefully he continues to mature and understand that sometimes you must separate yourself from even your best friends to get where you want to go. Or better yet, to keep from going where you DON'T want be.
Seeing him "back home" is probably a good thing though I'm sure it's due, for the most part, to his not being able to be with the team.

From my limited understanding that relationship is a bad thing for MS. As long as they hang out together this might not be the last time we see their name in the news.
BTW, it is my belief that there was no way he was asleep. Showtime?
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LA County Prosecutors Will Not Charge USC Quarterback

POSTED: 3:19 pm PDT June 2, 2006
UPDATED: 3:39 pm PDT June 2, 2006
<table class="storyToolsTable"><tbody><tr><td class="storyToolsTableTD" id="storyToolsTableTD1">http://javascript<b></b>:popUp('htt...9315032/detail.html','width=450,height=225');
</td></tr></tbody></table><!--startindex-->LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles County prosecutors have declined to file charges against USC freshman quarterback Mark Sanchez, who was arrested in April in connection with an alleged sexual assault.

Prosecutors cited insufficient evidence against the 19-year-old athlete.Sanchez was arrested on suspicion of committing sexual assault at the Cardinal Gardens apartment complex near campus, according to the LAPD. Investigators said a female USC student alleged that she was sexually assaulted at 12:30 a.m.<table class="storyAd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="storyAdObj">
</td></tr></tbody></table>The 6-foot-4, 215-pound Sanchez, a graduate of Mission Viejo High School, redshirted during the 2005 season and is second on the team's depth chart behind John David Booty heading into the upcoming season.Sanchez was placed on "interim suspension" while the case was pending, according to school officials.
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Well re-write your pre-season rankings again. I'm guessing this puts Sanchez back on track to be a bona-fide member of the USC squad. (Though he likely still suffers one or more games suspended for the fake ID / underage drinking)

Nonetheless, USC with Booty and no Sanchez as a #2 back-up is different (less depth) from the alternative.
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And you base this on...?

I won't bring any old stories up but, once a lady brings rape up , you get arrested and you get away from the court hell . He is more then lucky

I though he was fine but, just had to go through the court hell

He's a good looking QB at USC first of all.If he can't get laid when he wants to at USC then he would have to be gay. Let alone raping a lady there.
I thought that when I first heard about it but, anything can happen with alcohol and drugs. So I didn't jump on defending him because, I've seen and heard about girls playing that money or broken heart game and that just sucks because, your guilty until its dropped.

Don't get wrong sticking up for all guys because, I hate rapers but, I hate those that make up the story to kill someones life when its not true.
If anything ever happened to any of my relatives by a rapist .
I would read OJ'S book
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Ah yes, the wisdom of waiting to let matters run their course before rushing to judge players from opposing teams. Good luck young man and learn a lesson about keeping the one-eyed trouser snake to yourself!
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USC has reinstated Sanchez. I think the article's funny b/c it says that Carroll told reporters that Sanchez "could" face discipline for underage drinking and using a fake id. Way to go Pete--let's not err on the side of showing a little bit of toughness to your players who violate the rules. :shake:

Yea, god knows that we should be holding college kids who are too young to drink accountable. I say tar and feather him, that would make him a good example.
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USC has reinstated Sanchez. I think the article's funny b/c it says that Carroll told reporters that Sanchez "could" face discipline for underage drinking and using a fake id. Way to go Pete--let's not err on the side of showing a little bit of toughness to your players who violate the rules. :shake:
What 'discipline' has boone received (for a DUI, no less) that Tressel has announced to the media/public?
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