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Urban F. Meyer (Former OSU, CFB and NFL coach)


OK. I'm not. But that sucks for you guys. other than :beer:I have no advice.
thankfully we've been given a roadmap on how to NOT react.
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I understand the concerns over the idea of an inexperienced coach taking over. But from the moment Day was first hired he has been spoken of as a future rock star.

Lots of folks hate Gene Smith. I am not one of them. He has made some outstanding hires and certainly does not take the hiring of a football coach lightly. Both he and Urban can't say enough about how special Day is.

Why go through a coaching search that would result in recruiting turmoil and a transition period for the team only to watch the guy you had in your pocket go on to greatness elsewhere? Is this a gamble? I don''t really think so.

Folks often say "trust the coaches". In this case I say trust the AD.
Trust the AD that didn't self-impose a bowl ban in 2011 and then made the excuse that the NCAA would have made it a two year ban anyway even if he had? Wake up.

The basketball practice facility was over a year behind schedule and $5 Million over budget. Gene waited way too long to fire Matta when the writing was on the wall. Indiana got the jump on us. If Holtmann turns out to be better than Archie Miller, that's a failure on the part of the Hoosier AD, not a feather in Gene's cap. If Holtmann is the better coach, and all the evidence we have so far, albeit limited, suggests that he is, Indiana could've had him if they wanted him. Gene didn't cleverly wait to relieve Thad of his duties until Indiana made the first move. It looks like he just got lucky.

Look at what we're paying for football tickets. And they're considering another increase in prices? Hell, Gene raised the price for spring game tickets to $20 until it blew up in his face. Wake the fuck up.

When Urban has received the last dime that OSU owes him, whenever that is, I'll bet he won't have a lot of nice things to say about Gene Smith. I'll bet Gene will be more than happy to keep him on the payroll in some way, shape, or form for a while if he can keep that from ever coming to pass.
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No idea. And I'm not saying he isn't the best hire they can make right now, just that the expectations, pressure, media scrutiny, etc. is massive here. Its well above anything that Lincoln Riley has had to deal with at OU. Frankly it's above what any other program in the country has to deal with. I just hope a first time HC can handle it.
I won't argue a lot of that. And I'm not saying there won't be growing pains, because I'm sure there will. But Riley, Smart, even McVay...they've all done well as first time head coaches at relatively high pressure situations. Looking at guys with experience that might come (i.e. not Saban, Dabo, etc.) I only see 3 potentials really: Fick, Campbell, Vrabel. None are obviously better than Day, IMO.
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I understand the concerns over the idea of an inexperienced coach taking over. But from the moment Day was first hired he has been spoken of as a future rock star.

Lots of folks hate Gene Smith. I am not one of them. He has made some outstanding hires and certainly does not take the hiring of a football coach lightly. Both he and Urban can't say enough about how special Day is.

Why go through a coaching search that would result in recruiting turmoil and a transition period for the team only to watch the guy you had in your pocket go on to greatness elsewhere? Is this a gamble? I don''t really think so.

Folks often say "trust the coaches". In this case I say trust the AD.

Beals fired yet? No? Then Gene Smith can suck it!

Other than that for football and basketball moves, he's been excellent
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I didn't want that to be my last post in Urban's thread.

As sad as I am today that we are losing one of the Greatest Ever coaches, I'm actually beaming with pride. I don't blame Urban at all for anything he did here or "didn't do" according to the media. Family first. There is something about a man coming home and finishing his career at THE Ohio State University. He'll never be forgotten or overlooked, ever.

We are so lucky. To lose a Legend of college football and then feel so good about the situation our program is still in?!?!? Unbelievable. I am very confident in the staff left, sans one or two, and the kids coming in. This has been an amazing ride and a great 7 years of my life with all the ups and downs.

Thank you coach. Go Bucks!!
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I found it interesting that Meyer acknowledged this summer did have some impact on his decision to retire.

Meyer said it was the culmination of multiple factors that led to his decision. I'm paraphrasing, but his health, his belief that OSU is in great shape right now with a great coach that is ready to take over, and the events over the summer.

It's just a kick in the gut..... can't help but think those that were peddling a lot of the BS, are feeling some level of vindication today. And implicit in his answer, IMO, was the lack of support from Drake/BoT and the 3 game suspension.

Marty Smith (ESPN) asked the best question of the press conference, when he asked (paraphrased) "Coach, if I told you before the Big 10 Media Day, that today would be your last day in the Driver's seat, would you believe me?" .....Meyer wavered a bit but said, and again I'm paraphrasing "I wouldn't have believed you, but at the same time there was some discussion. I didn't know if it'd be 5 years or 10 years down the road, but I've had conversations with people. And Ryan had a Head Coaching offer from a very good University last year and there's a reason he's still here today".

I guess reading between the lines, it's relatively easy to assume Meyer had identified Day as his successor (in the same way Stoops identified Riley) but Meyer handed the keys over earlier than he anticipated.

One thing that was abundantly clear, is Meyer's love/admiration for Gene Smith, and it's genuine. Meyer spoke glowingly of Smith and said he'd be his boss forever. That he trusts Gene with his life. I won't say I was surprised by that, but I didn't expect the admiration to be that deep or unequivocal.

I don't know that we'll ever get the full story on everything that happened over the summer, but I do believe Gene Smith likely had a huge hand in making sure Meyer was on the sidelines in 2018.
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Doesn't matter to Drake. The Board of Trustees already thanked him with the maximum raise and bonus allowed in his contract. They've made it clear who they believe is truly important to the future of this university.
How does that compare to their history with E. Gordon Gee? Did they ever think he was truly important to the future of this university too? Because if they did, they were wrong.
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Last year I listed Urban Meyer as a famous living figure with which I would want to have dinner. I just have a lot of respect for the man. I think he’s done many great things as a football coach and it has been great to watch his teams at Ohio State. More importantly, I believe he has done more good for people outside of the stadium. He has flaws too, just like me. I simply feel he represents the state of Ohio in a way that makes you proud to be a Buckeye.
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