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Urban F. Meyer (Former OSU, CFB and NFL coach)

Such a sad day for Ohio State. We are now venturing into unknown territory. We went Tressel to another elite coach in Urban. Is Day the next Lincoln Riley or is he just a good assistant coach? We will see.

I guess good news is that Billy Davis probably goes too?
Day will either be Lincoln or Helfrich... 2nd year will be when we tell. First year we will be great due to the talent left over.

How we recruit right away is important
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I’d be very surprised if he didn’t make a comeback. Seems like the type of guy who may need to hit the reset button once every 7-10 years to let his body recover from how intense he is. He is still young in the profession.

And you cannot tell me he feels like Drake/Smith had his back during the negative media onslaught.

We’ll see......I just think at 54 years young, he will 100% have the itch to get back into coaching. I don’t see how anyone could fault him if he re-emerges from retirement in a few years.

I wonder if we'll find out that he was ready to resign when they announced the bullshit suspension and they begged him to stay on for the season.
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Comes home, rights the ship, wins a title and several major bowls along the way, goes undefeated vs scUM, sets his record breaking QB up for a shot at the Heisman and potential #1 overall pick, then to top it off gets his first and final shot in the bowl game we all dreamed of as kids growing up in Ohio..

I can think of worse ways to go out.

Been an honor and quite the ride, Coach.
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