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Urban F. Meyer (Former OSU, CFB and NFL coach)

Perhaps I will tell him I have a spy (or am one) who couldn't say anything Saturday. I can't wait for his douche-bagery.

That might work, although if he's as big a douche as you say, he probably won't accept it.

You could claim that you'd seen a post in a super-secret online football forum where a knowledgeable person said it was going to happen, but also swore everyone to secrecy out of respect for UM. I seem to recall, nostalgically now under the circumstances, that there were certain rumors in a BP thread years ago about who tOSU was hiring next, well before Urban was publicly announced. They weren't wrong.

Anyway, find this depressing as hell for a variety of reasons: the way the season began, Purdue, the stupid "committee" etc.
Wish he could stay, wish it had ended differently. It is what it is. :(
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I’d be very surprised if he didn’t make a comeback. Seems like the type of guy who may need to hit the reset button once every 7-10 years to let his body recover from how intense he is. He is still young in the profession.

And you cannot tell me he feels like Drake/Smith had his back during the negative media onslaught.

We’ll see......I just think at 54 years young, he will 100% have the itch to get back into coaching. I don’t see how anyone could fault him if he re-emerges from retirement in a few years.
He's still relatively young, but personally, I never saw him as a guy coaching until he was 65 or 70. Add on top of that the fact that Ohio State was THE job for him...I just don't see him on someone else's sideline. Maybe wishful thinking, and I wouldn't be SHOCKED if it happened, but I don't see it.
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I’d be very surprised if he didn’t make a comeback. Seems like the type of guy who may need to hit the reset button once every 7-10 years to let his body recover from how intense he is. He is still young in the profession.

And you cannot tell me he feels like Drake/Smith had his back during the negative media onslaught.

We’ll see......I just think at 54 years young, he will 100% have the itch to get back into coaching. I don’t see how anyone could fault him if he re-emerges from retirement in a few years.
It's hard to believe he can walk away entirely but he's not Urban without his staff. Pantoni/etc staying is very notable.
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I think he'll step down after this season. If he does, I'd promote Ryan Day.

But for the people who will be happy to see him go, I lived through the Earle Bruce/John Cooper eras. What we've enjoyed under Meyer is another level entirely.

Sooner or later you people are going to start listening to me. :lol:

Just ignore the times that I'm wrong.
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Won't have a computer for much longer here at work to look this up. Is Ryan Day one of the youngest HC of a program like this?

Already got some shit... Manager saying he'll take 2 years off and go someplace else "better". The BETTER part is what got me. Godddamn Florida (the state of and team).
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He not only dominated in general and kicked the shit out of Michigan, he was fucking 54-4 in conference play, so he was basically on the precipice of making the country’s second most famous conference the Big 1 + 13, if he didn’t actually make it that. I can’t imagine that will ever be repeated, as all of the teams that were 6 years behind him try and catch up to “elite” and win more division co-championships. It’s been an incredible run that we’ve all taken for granted from time to time.

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