Look, there is no one in CFB that I would take over Meyer that I can think of off the top of my head besides Nick Saban. Having said that, Urbs has some serious short comings. Namely, he sucks ass at hiring coaches. We have had some good ones, no doubt. We currently have some good ones, I believe. Neoptism nearly cost him his job, and there have been several bad hires and one glaring bad "fire" - hiring your friends and then not holding them to the same standard (or any standard, for that matter) is not fair to all the kids busting their ass in the spring and summer, all the reps, all the work and time they put in, the sacrifices to their bodies and minds - sure, they live for it - but for a coach not to give 110% back is fucking bullshit. I don't want him gone - but I would like to see him coach instead of putting his head between his knees. This guy is supposed to be a psych major? GMAFB. Put our Buckeyes in a position to be successful. He does a great job on & off the field by and large - but I don't think he's the best X's & O's coach and I'm starting to wonder if he really is the motivator/leader (above the line?) I thought he was.
For the sake of arguing just to argue:
Jim Tressel would have never had Zeke. But, we would have went from Terrelle Pryor senior year to Braxton Miller to Cardale Jones to Dwayne Haskins. Jim Tressel was built for playoffs, I always thought if some of his teams with a loss had gotten into a playoff (ND Fiesta Bowl year, Ark Fiesta Bowl year, Oregon Rose Bowl year etc.) he would have won some more hardware - basically - I felt that we were the best team in the country by the end of the year more often with Tress. Maybe its the romance and the nostalgia of that era, but adding wrinkle week after week, typically peaking in November and always saving a special something to bury the Wolverines - I think I prefer Tressel ball and the whole package over what we currently have.
I don't expect many to agree. But that's what makes the world go round. I hope Urban rights the ship, finishes this year strong and proves me wrong with a team coming together and overcoming adversity with the brotherhood as they hang a new plaque up in the north end zone this February.