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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

"Bomb Pop" uniforms.

U.S. MNT new aways (from Nike).


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This is stupid, because it's a global brand/company, but I chuckled momentarily this morning (when the unis were released), because since Nike was started in America, you'd think they'd give us the good sh*t.

Like Nike would give us the stuff made w/ technology for 10 years from now and stick England and France with the current stuff.

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I realized that Nike/U.S. Soccer changed the shade of blue from closer to a navy/union to somewhat of a royal on the current away kits.

At least they didn't go denim blue like in 1994 (I was so close to buying one of those in the Silverdome in 94).
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I realized that Nike/U.S. Soccer changed the shade of blue from closer to a navy/union to somewhat of a royal on the current away kits.

At least they didn't go denim blue like in 1994 (I was so close to buying one of those in the Silverdome in 94).
Hate that royal blue. Our flag is much more navy.

Just a complete CF on the jerseys this year, in my opinion. Would have really liked to have been wearing the current kits when I got down to Brazil this summer, but neither one impresses me. May end up with the Home just because it looks that much better in comparison, but really, it looks like I'll go back to my trusted Total 90 2002 World Cup home jersey.
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