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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

I agree with that. The Land of the Free was perfect. Glad I got to the game where that was the phrase (they've been working their way through the lyrics each Qualifier).

Also, beautiful panoramic shot.

I was scrambling into town after work and happened to unexpectedly run into a group of friends sitting 2nd row as I walked in at kick. Was at edge of 18 on left side of you're picture. Spent the 2nd half with the buddies I had planned on meeting about 9 rows up more more behind the goal on the left. Howard giving us the Championship Belt move to end the game was priceless.

Speaking of priceless...my friend from Columbus left my ticket at Will Call because he was marching in with the American Outlaws. I show up and hustle to the Will Call to pick it up maybe 10 minutes before kickoff. As soon as I turn around a guy asks "Are you selling?"..."No"..."I'll give you $150."..."Dude, I just drove 3 hours to get my ass to the game. Sorry but I'm not missing this for anything."

Easiest decision of the day.
Glad you had a great time too! I knew there'd be ticket trolls all around will call. Glad nothing got ugly there. We tailgated next to the Mexican mega tailgate and it was a lot of fun. No ill will either way, everyone just very excited and ready for a great game. That was nice to see. Was also cool seeing some of the leads from other SGs around the MLS Viking Army (NYRB), the Cauldron (KC), and some DC Ultras (DC United) all unifying in the Nordecke area to support the USMNT.
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Going to the WNT match against Brazil next month! Got a nice aisle seat in sec. 109, close to midfield 8 rows up. Hopefully the tickets they're allotting sell out fast and they have to open up some sections at the top, because they're only selling the lower level sections. I hope its a loud, large crowd. Unfortunately, there are lots of Brazilian tour groups that visit around that time as well, so there may be a good amount of Brazil supporters.
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Going to the WNT match against Brazil next month! Got a nice aisle seat in sec. 109, close to midfield 8 rows up. Hopefully the tickets they're allotting sell out fast and they have to open up some sections at the top, because they're only selling the lower level sections. I hope its a loud, large crowd. Unfortunately, there are lots of Brazilian tour groups that visit around that time as well, so there may be a good amount of Brazil supporters.

You should wear earplugs. I speak from personal experience. The screech of tens of thousands of young girls will effect your hearing for days. Other than that it's a great time.
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