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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

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I know it's about money with U.S. Soccer. Selling out a 60,000-70,000-seater is more money than a 25,000-seater. But there just seems to be a mystique about this game in Crew Stadium and the national team is undefeated there.

Hope that Anthony Precourt has a decisive plan in place for everything (I imagine he does).

Still can't remember SportsCenter showing another athlete killing a beer like Omar Gonzalez the past 8 years (first time I watched SC in a very, very long time too). If he was double-fisting them, he'd get a Anheiser Busch sponsorship.
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They strategically placed Columbus, Ohio in a territory so nightmarishly bland that even They call it "flyover country." It is a territory that only exists to make life miserable for Mexican footballers. And it's there that They built their first "soccer specific stadium" — a term that loosely translates to "tiny demon fortress." A David-like hovel that can only fit less than 25,000 people in a land of Goliath sporting cathedrals. Few Mexicans have been inside the Columbus Demon Fortress, but those who have say that it is a horrible place where the chants of "USA! USA!" penetrate the skull with their thunderous volume and maddening repetition. It contains rows of metal benches that offer terrible lumbar support and the scoreboard spews flames and black smoke when it has been too long since the last non-believer has been offered as a sacrifice.
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Sonofa! :lol:

Thought about it when I first heard this, but didn't even check until today...


Oh well, tweeted at US Soccer. Not even that mad about it. I mean, I guess what's more American than outsourcing the job to the Chinese and having them promptly misspell something?
Ruffneck Scarves were in charge of this, expect a statement and ways to get a corrected one in the next few days. They're a great company, and I'm sure some poor guy got canned for this.
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Ruffneck Scarves were in charge of this, expect a statement and ways to get a corrected one in the next few days. They're a great company, and I'm sure some poor guy got canned for this.
We'll see what happens. Would be kind of nice to pin this up somewhere, eventually, and not have it misspelled. :lol:

How'd the stadium look from you're end TTM?

I was on South end and what I saw, looking to the North End, was the most beautiful sight I've seen in US Soccer. So many supporters just chanting and jumping. Seemed slightly less organized on our side, but I still can't believe that night..
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We'll see what happens. Would be kind of nice to pin this up somewhere, eventually, and not have it misspelled. :lol:

How'd the stadium look from you're end TTM?

I was on South end and what I saw, looking to the North End, was the most beautiful sight I've seen in US Soccer. So many supporters just chanting and jumping. Seemed slightly less organized on our side, but I still can't believe that night..
IMO, the other side is what will be the most memorable for me. Seeing EVERYONE holding them up will forever be in my etched in my mind. What an experience.

And go back a page, I posted a panoramic shot from my seat shortly after we went up dos-a-cero. Hopefully it showed up.

To put into perspective, I was underneath the Klinsmann tifo about 5 rows up.
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IMO, the other side is what will be the most memorable for me. Seeing EVERYONE holding them up will forever be in my etched in my mind. What an experience.

And go back a page, I posted a panoramic shot from my seat shortly after we went up dos-a-cero. Hopefully it showed up.

To put into perspective, I was underneath the Klinsmann tifo about 5 rows up.
I agree with that. The Land of the Free was perfect. Glad I got to the game where that was the phrase (they've been working their way through the lyrics each Qualifier).

Also, beautiful panoramic shot.

I was scrambling into town after work and happened to unexpectedly run into a group of friends sitting 2nd row as I walked in at kick. Was at edge of 18 on left side of you're picture. Spent the 2nd half with the buddies I had planned on meeting about 9 rows up more more behind the goal on the left. Howard giving us the Championship Belt move to end the game was priceless.

Speaking of priceless...my friend from Columbus left my ticket at Will Call because he was marching in with the American Outlaws. I show up and hustle to the Will Call to pick it up maybe 10 minutes before kickoff. As soon as I turn around a guy asks "Are you selling?"..."No"..."I'll give you $150."..."Dude, I just drove 3 hours to get my ass to the game. Sorry but I'm not missing this for anything."

Easiest decision of the day.
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