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TV Shows You Wish Would Come Back

GoBucks89;1180385; said:
This Week in Baseball with Mel Allen (RIP). I'd be willing to watch re-runs from the 70's if someone would show them.

Only if they play it back-to-back with reruns of the Baseball Bunch:


I used to fill a VHS tape with episodes of TWIB all season and watch it all winter to aid in my baseball withdrawal.
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...and then I thought about some things I've seen over the years, when TV put me where history was being made:

1. A CBS program with Edward R. Murrow, called Omnibus, took us LIVE to the final dynamite blasts that allowed the waters of the St, Laurence River to flow freely into the Atlantic, opening up the seaway that made the Great Lakes into a route for World trade.

2. Live convention coverage when the convention really meant who would become presidential candidates. Some dogs, but also some incredible ones such us 52 when the Eisenhower and Taft contest went to the wire, and 60 with Kennedy and Johnson for the Dems and Nixon, Goldwater and Rockefeller at the GOP.

3. CBS taking us live to watch Oswald being transferred from the county jail to federal custody, jumping when the gun went off.

4.Watching the Kennedy funeral. First time I saw my father cry--and he was a republican!

5. Watching the actual vote in Congress that took us to war in Operation Desert Storm.

6. So many Buckeye moments, but let's condense them into a damn near day long series of shows that predicted how badly Miami was going to kick ass followed by that incredible overtime win.
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buckeyegrad;1181045; said:
Amazing list there Cinci, can't wait to hear about the events the telegraph brought to you as a kid. :biggrin:

Jealousy is not one of the seven virtues. But just for the record I heard the last Joe Louis, Jersey Joe Walcott fight. I was not listening when the Hindenberg crashed.
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Obviously some of these have been mentioned.

1. Sopranos
2. Chappelle Show
3. The old NBC Thursday night lineup - Cosby, Family Ties/Different World, Cheers
4. Californication (I know it will be back in the fall, I just really like that show)
5. Rome
6. Duck Tales
7. Remote Control
8. Rap City with big Tigger and Yo! MTV Raps (or ANY music on "M"TV)
9. Caribbean Rhythms
10. The Joy of Painting
11. Bob Costas doing the NBA playoffs
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