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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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A little more backstory, Birm put in a CB for Dax to flip back to UM, and the michigan folk lost their minds. This AM, Birm was prevented from being able to enter Crystal Balls, which has since been classified as a technical glitch.

They're mad bc Birm said a 5 star was going to go to Michigan?
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Not sure where those fuckers up north get all their bravado. It sure isn't because of how well they've recruited compared to Ohio State. Here are the 247 composite rankings of each team's draft classes from Hairball's first class (2015), member of which will 5th-year seniors if they're still around:

OSU #9 (16, 2 5*, 10 4*, 4 3*)
scUM #11 (23, 0 5*, 12 4*, 11 3*)

OSU #2 (26, 3 5*, 20 4*, 3 3*)
scUM #22 (19, 0 5*, 7 4*, 12 3*)

OSU #2 (21, 5 5*, 14 4*, 2 3*)
scUM #5 (30, 2 5*, 19 4*, 8 3*) Donovan Peoples-Jones (WR), Aubrey Solomon (DT)

OSU #4 (25, 1 5*, 17 4*, 7 3*)
scUM #8 (28, 1 5*, 13 4*, 14 3*) Rashan Gary (DT)

OSU #7 (26, 1 5*, 14 4*, 10 3*)
scUM #37 (14, 0 5*, 6 4*, 8 3*)

Slack can be given for their absolutely horrific 2015 class, but the only reason they've even had two "top 10" classes was sheer numbers. Those classes (2016, 2017) had a grand total of 58 commits with only three 5-stars (Gary, Peoples-Jones, and Solomon). That 2016 class, of which exactly half were 3-stars, will be their senior class when they take the field next September and will be without their class crown jewel Gary. Their sophomore-to-be class (2018) has a grand total of seven 4-star and 12 3-star players, and their incoming class is almost exactly half 3-stars so far. If people thought this year was scUM's best chance in the foreseeable future to finally beat Ohio State, they were right...and it will get only worse should they fail to win in either 2019 or 2020, because in 2021 that bad 2018 class will be their senior class and the so-far-mediocre 2019 class will be juniors. It won't be surprising at all to see the Ohio State win streak in The Game to reach double digits in 2021...
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Not sure where those fuckers up north get all their bravado. It sure isn't because of how well they've recruited compared to Ohio State. Here are the 247 composite rankings of each team's draft classes from Hairball's first class (2015), member of which will 5th-year seniors if they're still around:

OSU #9 (16, 2 5*, 10 4*, 4 3*)
scUM #11 (23, 0 5*, 12 4*, 11 3*)

OSU #2 (26, 3 5*, 20 4*, 3 3*)
scUM #22 (19, 0 5*, 7 4*, 12 3*)

OSU #2 (21, 5 5*, 14 4*, 2 3*)
scUM #5 (30, 2 5*, 19 4*, 8 3*) Donovan Peoples-Jones (WR), Aubrey Solomon (DT)

OSU #4 (25, 1 5*, 17 4*, 7 3*)
scUM #8 (28, 1 5*, 13 4*, 14 3*) Rashan Gary (DT)

OSU #7 (26, 1 5*, 14 4*, 10 3*)
scUM #37 (14, 0 5*, 6 4*, 8 3*)

Slack can be given for their absolutely horrific 2015 class, but the only reason they've even had two "top 10" classes was sheer numbers. Those classes (2016, 2017) had a grand total of 58 commits with only three 5-stars (Gary, Peoples-Jones, and Solomon). That 2016 class, of which exactly half were 3-stars, will be their senior class when they take the field next September and will be without their class crown jewel Gary. Their sophomore-to-be class (2018) has a grand total of seven 4-star and 12 3-star players, and their incoming class is almost exactly half 3-stars so far. If people thought this year was scUM's best chance in the foreseeable future to finally beat Ohio State, they were right...and it will get only worse should they fail to win in either 2019 or 2020, because in 2021 that bad 2018 class will be their senior class and the so-far-mediocre 2019 class will be juniors. It won't be surprising at all to see the Ohio State win streak in The Game to reach double digits in 2021...
I have the weirdest boner right now.
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I was forbidden by my wife from writing "traitor" on a piece of paper and taping it to a bust of Bo here in the UM hospital. She won't even let me write it on her IPad and take a picture for future use....

I am beginning to question Mrs. Katt's allegiances and might just leave her here in AA. :shake:
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I was forbidden by my wife from writing "traitor" on a piece of paper and taping it to a bust of Bo here in the UM hospital. She won't even let me write it on her IPad and take a picture for future use....

I am beginning to question Mrs. Katt's allegiances and might just leave her here in AA. :shake:

I'm guessing you're in the cardiovascular unit. Bo had no heart to go up there.
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