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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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I was forbidden by my wife from writing "traitor" on a piece of paper and taping it to a bust of Bo here in the UM hospital. She won't even let me write it on her IPad and take a picture for future use....

I am beginning to question Mrs. Katt's allegiances and might just leave her here in AA. :shake:
Cut her some slack, could've been the drugs clouding her judgement
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I was forbidden by my wife from writing "traitor" on a piece of paper and taping it to a bust of Bo here in the UM hospital. She won't even let me write it on her IPad and take a picture for future use....

I am beginning to question Mrs. Katt's allegiances and might just leave her here in AA. :shake:
Psshh. She probably didn't even allow you to burst into the operating room, singing "We Don't Give a Damn..."
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I was forbidden by my wife from writing "traitor" on a piece of paper and taping it to a bust of Bo here in the UM hospital. She won't even let me write it on her IPad and take a picture for future use....

I am beginning to question Mrs. Katt's allegiances and might just leave her here in AA. :shake:

Perhaps she has a stronger sense of self-preservation than you do.

When I had my knee surgery last year, I did not glance around the OR right before the anesthesia kicked in, and tell them to all go fuck themselves. It's wise to stay on the good side of people who have access to syringes, IVs, scalpels & potent drugs when you're sleeping in one of their beds.

Now, once they release her, that's a different story.
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Perhaps she has a stronger sense of self-preservation than you do.

When I had my knee surgery last year, I did not glance around the OR right before the anesthesia kicked in, and tell them to all go fuck themselves. It's wise to stay on the good side of people who have access to syringes, IVs, scalpels & potent drugs when you're sleeping in one of their beds.

Now, once they release her, that's a different story.

I busted her out this morning. They had as much success with their attempt as the folks at Riverside back in August. When the guy who literally wrote the book on the procedure can't get it done, you know it's a mess in there. I know how to pick em! :lol:
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They had as much success with their attempt as the folks at Riverside back in August. When the guy who literally wrote the book on the procedure can't get it done, you know it's a mess in there.

I'll give it ago for $79.95. But that's firm, cash up front. Includes a hospital gown covered in either black or gray buckeyes. Some understanding of Spanish would be helpful.
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Solomon was probably in line to start at nose tackle this year until an injury knocked him out for the first half of the season; he missed another game due to an illness and never seemed quite right. He was an almost certain starter next year at a spot that Michigan is suddenly extremely thin at. Mike Dwumfour might move over but he was a very bad run defender last year; Donovan Jeter is entering his third year and should be playable. That concludes NTs currently on the roster. If you were to pick a player to be the most damaging transfer he'd be high on the list.

So that's fun.
This is why people need to stop comparing Michigan's recruiting to Clemson. Clemson has one of the lowest attrition rates in the country. Michigan has already lost 8 kids alone from their 2017 class, including Solomon, Hudson, and Singleton who were all projected to start or have major roles next year. This doesn't speak well on the coaches AT ALL.
So what do you think our DL is going to look like next season, without Gary, Solomon, Winovich, and Mone? Can we even field a DL next season?
I go to the restroom without my phone and return to this?! Screw this day in the ear.
Makes me think of how badly things turned out with James Hudson.

Promising DT to promising OT to transfer.....
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Some more...

program is a mess
Fuck, Michigan!
OK, seriously, what the fuck is going on?
If this program had an asshole, it would be unwiped and stink like absolute shit.
Are we allowed to have ANY five stars?!?
I don't believe any of these "insiders" until it is confirmed. Fuck them.

EDIT: Looks confirmed. Fuck me...
I think we all knew attrition wasnt gonna be easy under Jim, but damn, the ‘16 and ‘17 recruiting classes have taken some hits lately.
Because Michigan isn't winning.Solomon left his home state school that's now competing with bama.... while Michigan is getting 62 dropped on its head
A 14 year big ten championship drought is a bump in the road? Man I wish I lived in your world
2018 can go fuck itself
Dont forget 2017. It wasnt exactly a box of fucking chocolates now was it?
We have Dwumfour and Kemp. And they should be solid. Hopefully former 4-star Donovan Jeter can jump in the rotation in his 3RD YEAR here. Beyond that, we have nothing. True freshmen or emergency position flips. In my most optimistic Michigan fandom, I proclaim this situation "Not good".
It's time to start wondering what the deal is with the attrition.

So far Michigan has lost 16/56 members of their 2016 and 2017 class, and that's not including possibly early entrees like David Long, LaVert Hill, Devin Bush, and Khaleke Hudson. And possible flight risks Brad Robbins, Quinn Nordin, Ron Johnson, Brandon Peters, and a couple more that have been rumored. Either the 2018 class is hitting much better than we all thought, or there's some issues
Are we expecting a mass exodus of players this offseason?

This is very, very bad news
If there is a god, he certainly hates Michigan football
There's more, if you wanna go read the thread...
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