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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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It's hard to pin point the peak of their delusion

The start of the Rich Rod era and "so and so is better than Pryor" might be my favorite

Though them thinking Hairball was going to come in and hand pick any recruits he wanted......then flipping to "HE KNOWS HOW TO FIND TALENT" when forced to settle for lower level P5/MAC type recruits is quite funny as well.

Now you've got a split fanbase, the ones who still blindly believe in Harbaugh and the ones who have kind of sort of "seen the light"

Good times.
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"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Jake Rudock is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, John O'Korn is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Wilton Speight is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Shea Patterson is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
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"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Jake Rudock is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, John O'Korn is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Wilton Speight is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Shea Patterson is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
You forgot one:

"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Dylan McCaffrey is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
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"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Jake Rudock is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, John O'Korn is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Wilton Speight is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"
"With Harbaugh's expertise being QB development, Shea Patterson is exactly what we need to put us over the top!"

Oh yea, well just wait till he gets his own hand picked QB recruit in there!
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A little background on the honorable Mr. Winovitch, courtesy of his commitment post on the Ministry of Excuses:

"This really changes things for me, and I have to say it's a dream come true since I'm an Ohio State fan," he admitted. "I'm not ready to commit right now to anyone, but Ohio State is in my top-three. I can't deny that I love it, and it's going to be tough to find a school that will top Ohio State."

Weeks later:

Michigan is definitely in my top three,” he said. “The only reason they really weren’t before was because they (hadn’t) offered. It would have been them above Ohio State, but obviously they hadn’t offered me at that point. It hurt that they didn’t offer before Ohio State got involved, but I’m just happy they’re in now and they’re definitely in my top three. I’m excited about them.”
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