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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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People have too much time on their hands...

Imagine Lose-ivich's face photoshopped in with his mirage talk. Or don't, pretty much looks like him anyway.
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Absolutely nailed it.

Same stuff we've been saying around these parts for years regarding institutional arrogance. It's a systemic issue, and it doesn't appear to be going away any time soon.... Which, of course, will continue to cost them on the field.
Don’t believe your lying eyes, we’re building a powerhouse! Literally rejecting reality and replacing it with your own probably isn’t the best way to have your players prepare in a realistic way to compete on an elite level.
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Don’t believe your lying eyes, we’re building a powerhouse! Literally rejecting reality and replacing it with your own probably isn’t the best way to have your players prepare in a realistic way to compete on an elite level.
I can only imagine the tears that would flow if their coach ever called one of their own units a "Clown show"
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Simply put by this guy

Diagonal Blue

December 12th, 2018 at 1:25 PM ^

Outside of Charbonnet RB recruiting has been a borderline disaster.

Kingston Davis: Gone

Kareem Walker: Gone

OMaury Samuels: Gone

Kurt Taylor: Gone

Hassan Haskins: moved to Viper

Michael Barrett: Moved to viper, then to WR

Christian Turner: showed some promise but too early to tell

Meanwhile Najee Harris is 3rd string at Bama. Insane.

Diagonal Blue

December 12th, 2018 at 1:33 PM ^

In the last 3 years Michigan has recruited 7 RB's, 4 off them are off the team and two have moved positions and you're mad at me for pointing that out. Get bent snowflake.

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Christian Turner, Zach Charbonnet, and maybe Hassan Haskins (who played some linebacker) or Michael Barrett (who's practiced at both viper and slot receiver but was a hell of a running QB in high school) will now vie for those snaps. Turner looked slippery and tough to bring down in some cameo snaps this year; Charbonnet is flying up recruiting lists and might end up a five-star.
Lets hope he gets it. Here's scUMs 5-star RBs* from the recruiting services era:

2001: Kelly Baraka (Never played, had schollie revoked for pot arrest) NFL: No
2005: Kevin Grady (42 games, 200 att, 783 yds, 10 td, 1 extreme dui // Best year: 2005 [FR] 11 games, 121 att, 483 yds, 5 td) NFL: No
2006: Carlos Brown (31 games, 201 att, 1025 yds, 8 td // Best year: 2009 [SR] 11 games, 81 att 480 yds, 4 td) NFL: No
2008: Sam McGuffie (10 games, 118 att, 486 yds, 3 td // transferred to Rice where he eventually switched to WR) NFL: No
2013: Derrick Green (25 games, 212 att, 898 yards, 7 td // Best year: 2014 [SO] 6 games, 82 att, 471 yds, 3 td) NFL: No
2016: Kareem Walker (5 games, 20 att, 68 yds, 1 td // dismissed from team) NFL: Uh, unlikely
Hon Mention: Ty Isaac, 5-star USC transfer (26 games, 192 att, 1170 yds, 8 td // Best year [2017]: 88 att, 548 yds, 2 td) NFL: No

* - rated 5 stars by at least one of the major recruiting services

That's a remarkably futile track record.
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Lets hope he gets it. Here's scUMs 5-star RBs* from the recruiting services era:

2001: Kelly Baraka (Never played, had schollie revoked for pot arrest) NFL: No
2005: Kevin Grady (42 games, 200 att, 783 yds, 10 td, 1 extreme dui // Best year: 2005 [FR] 11 games, 121 att, 483 yds, 5 td) NFL: No
2006: Carlos Brown (31 games, 201 att, 1025 yds, 8 td // Best year: 2009 [SR] 11 games, 81 att 480 yds, 4 td) NFL: No
2008: Sam McGuffie (10 games, 118 att, 486 yds, 3 td // transferred to Rice where he eventually switched to WR) NFL: No
2013: Derrick Green (25 games, 212 att, 898 yards, 7 td // Best year: 2014 [SO] 6 games, 82 att, 471 yds, 3 td) NFL: No
2016: Kareem Walker (5 games, 20 att, 68 yds, 1 td // dismissed from team) NFL: Uh, unlikely
Hon Mention: Ty Isaac, 5-star USC transfer (26 games, 192 att, 1170 yds, 8 td // Best year [2017]: 88 att, 548 yds, 2 td) NFL: No

* - rated 5 stars by at least one of the major recruiting services

That's a remarkably futile track record.

Michigan... the graveyard of recruiting. Where hopes of successful NFL careers go to die.
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