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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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No wonder those damn things won't stay on their fingers!
When you wear their half a ring from 1947 with their half ring from 1997 it stays on. It looks stupid and contrived... but it stays on. I mean, maybe not as stupid and contrived as celebrating a shared B1G East title where you lost to your "Co-Champ" 62-39, but still pretty stupid
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Consensus 5-star safety, 24/7's #8 overall flips from Michigan to Alabama.

Like clockwork:

They seem quite convinced
I will eat a bag of lemons the day Michigan flips a 5-star Bama commit.
I am of the same sentiment, lol.
I will Fed Ex the lemons for you to eat, or Venmo you the money to buy them locally... You're choice.
I don't want to identify the things I would eat to get Hill back to Michigan.
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Don't bother clicking that bullshit....not worth giving them the hits.

Like an idiot, I regrettably did, and found this gem, typical of the arrogant asses that they are:

Some feel Urban Meyer was trying to run it up by leaving his starters in to the very end of a 23-point victory this year. He's gone, having left in disgrace in Ohio State tradition, leaving it to Ryan Day to keep a seven-game winning streak alive.
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