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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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I hate to call my shot so early, but circumstances require me to use my wizard-like skills to predict a thorough heart-breaking, soul-crushing, annihilating and ravaging destruction of those ass clowns from up north. Burning their villages, salting their fields, and driving their woman and children before us as their lamentations fill our ears like sweet music.
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I have no idea where Michigan goes from here. There’s a bowl game to be played, the emotional letdown of which is similar to but an order of magnitude greater than 2016. The Revenge Tour flopped, replaced by Urban’s Redemption Tour. That’s bullshit. So was this game.
I kept refreshing MGoBlog, waiting for this game column.

i don’t know why. Maybe it’s because the only solace I have right now is the mutual long-suffering of fellow Michigan fans, and reading this would somehow provide some catharsis, knowing that the void is full of other mourners.

Nope, i still feel like shit. Hello, darkness.
Well said, fellow mourner, Michigan fan, masochist. We do this to ourselves. We're mocked, laughed at, torn apart every year.

I agree. The only form of solace that I can get, is that I'm not alone in this. Maybe all this suffering together will pay off one day. Maybe it wont.

Either way, thank you all for hanging in there like me. Misery loves company.
Yeah. I avoid reading news from any other website or paper for a few weeks every year until I come out of the depression. I mean has there ever been a bigger piece of shit than Urban Meyer? And all he does is win year after year after year.
Fuck this game. I felt it all week but was in denial. We will never beat Ohio State again. Ever.
Totally disagree. In the next 3-4 years we will beat OSU in a totally meaningless end to a craptastic 7-5 or 8-4 season with zero substantive meaning on the line.

Then theyll hammer us for another 6-9 years straight again.
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"They said this was the year that Coach has his players, well he needs to get more of his players. We were out-talented."​

Yea... more of those 2* Germans should do it.

"No more, we need to cry uncle and leave this game for good. We just can’t have an automatic beat down guaranteed on our schedule every year. "​

They're ready... another 5-10 years of this and we will succeed :evil:

View attachment 19520
:lol: holy shit man.
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