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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2018 thread)

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Maybe I'll be wrong, but this is becoming a bigger 'if' with each passing week.
I hate to call my shot so early, but circumstances require me to use my wizard-like skills to predict a thorough heart-breaking, soul-crushing, annihilating and ravaging destruction of those ass clowns from up north. Burning their villages, salting their fields, and driving their woman and children before us as their lamentations fill our ears like sweet music.
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I hate to call my shot so early, but circumstances require me to use my wizard-like skills to predict a thorough heart-breaking, soul-crushing, annihilating and ravaging destruction of those ass clowns from up north. Burning their villages, salting their fields, and driving their woman and children before us as their lamentations fill our ears like sweet music.

Can we sell their women to Canada?
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I hate to call my shot so early, but circumstances require me to use my wizard-like skills to predict a thorough heart-breaking, soul-crushing, annihilating and ravaging destruction of those ass clowns from up north. Burning their villages, salting their fields, and driving their woman and children before us as their lamentations fill our ears like sweet music.

One day we will be able to clone Sherman and march North too.
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I worked with a guy from Georgia and every single time anyone mentioned Sherman he would reply, "You mean the war criminal?"

View attachment 19249
I almost bought a shirt that has a picture of him with text "Atlanta's first torch bearer" before the Olympics.

If you dive into the history there's good reason they went to those extremes. The South used a lot of cowardly tactics beyond usual guerrilla fighting.
Massacring civilians. Hiding behind prisoners, women, children. Posting Texas cav in their reserve to kill anyone who fled.
The shit they pulled in Kansas was bad enough.
All Sherman did was destroy the property of the top 1% ... but the South has always loved their Feudalism and embraced various divides so that the trailer trash plurality could feel 'above' somebody.

A few excerpts from Civil War Dynasty The Ewing Family of Ohio (Heineman)

Pretty much my sentiment exactly:Screenshot_20181108-175007.png

As early as 1862...

Sherman's wife Ellen Ewing is savage and prophetic:

Cump = Sherman.

As a damned Irish Ohioan i had to share this... Ohio troops enter the Potomac theatre for 1st time leading up to Antietam debacle.

More dirty tactics and NE troops break (Antietam)

Texas cav posted to kill anyone who fled...

Poison and torture

Booby traps

Missouri guerillas massacring and raping...
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I almost bought a shirt that has a picture of him with text "Atlanta's first torch bearer" before the Olympics.

If you dive into the history there's good reason they went to those extremes. The South used a lot of cowardly tactics beyond usual guerrilla fighting.
Massacring civilians. Hiding behind prisoners, women, children. Posting Texas cav in their reserve to kill anyone who fled.
The shit they pulled in Kansas was bad enough.
All Sherman did was destroy the property of the top 1% ... but the South has always loved their Feudalism and embraced various divides so that the trailer trash plurality could feel 'above' somebody.

A few excerpts from Civil War Dynasty The Ewing Family of Ohio (Heineman)

Pretty much my sentiment exactly:View attachment 19251

As early as 1862...
View attachment 19250

Sherman's wife Ellen Ewing is savage and prophetic:
View attachment 19252

Cump = Sherman.
View attachment 19253

As a damned Irish Ohioan i had to share this... Ohio troops enter the Potomac theatre for 1st time leading up to Antietam debacle.
View attachment 19254

More dirty tactics and NE troops break (Antietam)
View attachment 19255

Texas cav posted to kill anyone who fled...
View attachment 19256

Poison and torture
View attachment 19257

Booby traps
View attachment 19258

Missouri guerillas massacring and raping...
View attachment 19259

Sounds about right...

Quantrill goes on a murderous rampage


...... and a lot more =/
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