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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)

The ATT chick has large breasts. Are there pics of those breasts somewhere? No way she got that national advertisement campaign without a little somethin' somethin'. It's show business after all.



Milana Vayntrub

Vayntrub was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and is Jewish. She moved to West Hollywood with her parents at the age of 3. She started acting in Mattel Barbie commercials at the age of 5 due in part to her family's financial problems.

She briefly attended Beverly Hills High School but dropped out after her sophomore year, got a GED, and went on to get a degree in communication from University of California, San Diego. She received training with the improvisational comedy group Upright Citizens Brigade.

Vayntrub and Stevie Nelson teamed up to start the group Live Prude Girls, a group which produces a number of comedy shorts on including the "Let's Talk About Something More Interesting" series. Live Prude Girls went on to be featured on Top 100 Channels countdown, ranked at #93.

Vayntrub has had small roles in film and television, including Life Happens. She has also starred in several videos.

In 2011, Vayntrub was the lead in the music video for "Teenage Tide" by "Letting Up Despite Great Faults".

Since November 2013, she has portrayed a saleswoman named "Lily Adams" in a series of TV commercials for AT&T.

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Milana Vayntrub

Vayntrub was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and is Jewish. She moved to West Hollywood with her parents at the age of 3. She started acting in Mattel Barbie commercials at the age of 5 due in part to her family's financial problems.

She briefly attended Beverly Hills High School but dropped out after her sophomore year, got a GED, and went on to get a degree in communication from University of California, San Diego. She received training with the improvisational comedy group Upright Citizens Brigade.

Vayntrub and Stevie Nelson teamed up to start the group Live Prude Girls, a group which produces a number of comedy shorts on including the "Let's Talk About Something More Interesting" series. Live Prude Girls went on to be featured on Top 100 Channels countdown, ranked at #93.

Vayntrub has had small roles in film and television, including Life Happens. She has also starred in several videos.

In 2011, Vayntrub was the lead in the music video for "Teenage Tide" by "Letting Up Despite Great Faults".

Since November 2013, she has portrayed a saleswoman named "Lily Adams" in a series of TV commercials for AT&T.


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Suffice it to say that Brady Hoke is the lead recruiter for UM? Assuming the below "TEAM" is OSU considering the choice of color. So their family is better than our team? LOLOLOL


scUM only has the most wins since they had a football team years before a lot of other schools started one in the late 1800s and they were fairly dominant in the early 1900s with Fielding Yost. In the last several decades several schools have won more games than scUM. The poster should read:

The ancestors of scUM's family (that back in the late 1800s and early 1900s had the winningest team) verses your team which has been a lot better than us since then.
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scUM only has the most wins since they had a football team years before a lot of other schools started one in the late 1800s and they were fairly dominant in the early 1900s with Fielding Yost. In the last several decades several schools have won more games than scUM. The poster should read:

The ancestors of scUM's family (that back in the late 1800s and early 1900s had the winningest team) verses your team which has been a lot better than us since then.
Technically, scUM still has the most all-time wins with 915. But, they are #2 now in winning percentage behind Ntre ame (.728 vs .731). Also, Ntre ame has fallen to #3 in total wins behind Nebraska (882 vs 884). We're #5 in total wins with 863 and #3 in winning percentage at .720.
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Technically, scUM still has the most all-time wins with 915. But, they are #2 now in winning percentage behind Ntre ame (.728 vs .731). Also, Ntre ame has fallen to #3 in total wins behind Nebraska (882 vs 884). We're #5 in total wins with 863 and #3 in winning percentage at .720.

Yes all true, my point was that scUM teams (collectively since starting football in the 1800s) has the most wins: however, they haven't had the most wins in a specific decade (at least) since the 1950s:
A Decade-By-Decade Breakdown: College Football's Winningest Teams

Interesting article: http://collegefootball.about.com/od...akdown-College-Footballs-Winningest-Teams.htm

Here, we take a look at the top 10 winningest programs in college football between 2000-2009.

Just WOW: 1. Boise State: 112-17 (.868)
2. Texas: 110-19 (.853)
3. Oklahoma: 110-24 (.821)
4. Ohio State: 102-25 (.803)
5. Southern California: 88-26 (.772) (reflects victories lost in the 2004 and 2005 seasons)
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Yes all true, my point was that scUM teams (collectively since starting football in the 1800s) has the most wins: however, they haven't had the most wins in a specific decade (at least) since the 1950s:
A Decade-By-Decade Breakdown: College Football's Winningest Teams

Interesting article: http://collegefootball.about.com/od...akdown-College-Footballs-Winningest-Teams.htm

Here, we take a look at the top 10 winningest programs in college football between 2000-2009.

Just WOW: 1. Boise State: 112-17 (.868)
2. Texas: 110-19 (.853)
3. Oklahoma: 110-24 (.821)
4. Ohio State: 102-25 (.803)
5. Southern California: 88-26 (.772) (reflects victories lost in the 2004 and 2005 seasons)
I personally wouldn't even include Truck Driver U seeing as the haven't been in I-A (FBS) but for two decades, and they play in arguably the shittiest conference in FBS.
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