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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2015 official thread)

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So let me get this straight--Michigan fans are gloating about getting the QB that Iowa (7-6 last year, for those scoring at home) benched? :lol: Dumbest fan base in America strikes again.
Additionally humorous because these same assholes were absolutely convinced Suga Shane was going to be the goddamned MAN... now he's being replaced by a Houston Cougar cast off or an Iowa second stringer.
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Evil genius of the B1G to allow a second string Iowa QB go to scUM just so they'd have a better chance of beating Ped State. Sometimes crooked officiating isn't enough, you know.

gotta have redundant systems to avoid a single point of failure

God forbid the officials not be crooked enough, then what would stand between us and total Penn State dominance?
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